Ask whether I want to know first...

Wednesday 2 December 2009

...because maybe I don't want to know!

I have no idea what happened to TJ and that's because he disappeared without saying goodbye, which is not a big deal because it was messed up and we were not exactly friends, so I understand. What's not okay is that he keeps stalking me and then reappears out of nowhere and says some useless shit that I can live without knowing just because I said something about him that he didn't like. He didn’t even ask me if I wanted to know, because all he cares about is himself and his dick.

Ok what did he say...
The first thing he asked is why I deleted him from facebook. If he knows I deleted him from facebook, then he should know that's because I did care at least a little about him but I don't want to know anything about his life anymore, right? Looks like he doesn't. I know how dumb it is to delete people on facebook, but I was angry. Anyways.

Then he started justifying himself. You know those people who talk so much just to justify themselves, but they do nothing to prove it. I mean, I don't want any proof either, because it’s a waste of time for everyone including himself. So since it's a waste of time...then why the hell does he bother telling me shits that I don’t even want to know?! Just to prove that he's a good person and I have a twisted mind? He also said he wants to make peace with me because he thinks I hate him. That's just totally pointless, because I don't even hate him. I still think he's an asshole, but I don't hate him, y'know? You can't hate someone you don't care about.

By the way, I was eating so I didn't reply.

Honestly, I know that in reality, he's a good person, but shit happens. I actually don't know what exactly hapenned either. All I know is that everything is now in the past and it's not important anymore no matter what the real reasons were.

Live your life.
This is goodbye.
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