You are being watched

Sunday 13 December 2009

You know what is an obsession disease? I know someone who has it. That little boy believes he's superior, smarter, and more important than everything and that everyone is obsessed about him. I kind of feel bad for him because he doesn’t know that he's the most obsessed one out there yet. That little boy is obsessed to a point he has to check my blog on a daily basis and that's not even enough...he has to do it on an hourly basis and he can't sleep if he doesn't check it. However, that's not because my life is more interesting than porn. It's because not only he’s cocky, he's also fucked up self-conscious.

Have you noticed that my posts tend to revolve around the same thing these few months? Do I seem to enjoy bitching about one particular person? And even when it's unnecessary and irrelevant, I still have to bring that person up? That's because I enjoy making that obsessed little boy feel good and then feel like shit right after since he's that much smarter when he’s in fact nothing but a poor idiot who acts superior to compensate for his small dick. I’m really immature and bitchy for doing this but it’s worth it whenever I imagine your stupid reaction like you fuckin care in front of your laptop.

So did you really thoroughly enjoy reading this? Because I thoroughly enjoyed provoking you, but it’s getting boring. Oh and what the hell are you going to brag about tonight?

You deserve to be obsessed because clearly you have to care that much.

...but get well soon, P.
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