Usual morning frustrations

Tuesday 17 November 2009

When I wake up at the same time as my sister and decide to be nice and let her use the washroom first while I stay a few more minutes in my bed but totally fall back asleep and miss my class.

When I make my coffee and realize that there's no more cream. So I go "Oh my god! Who the hell used it last?" Oh...that was me.

When I wake up early to get my hair and make-up nicely done for once and open the door just to realize that it's raining and the umbrella is in the trunk. So I go "Who the hell left it there?!" Oh yeah...that was me too.

When I decide to take one last look in the mirror before going out and realize that I'm wearing colors that don't match so I go get changed, but then realize that my pants don't match my jacket.

When I’m ready to go out and oops, I forgot a book in my room, so I go get it, but oops, I forgot the keys in my other purse and oops, I forgot my phone in the kitchen and oops…
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