I'm sick

Thursday 23 July 2009

Yesterday I stayed home all day long on my bed because I was feeling so sick that I thought I was about to die...(with a little exageration). I think I might have yeast infection. Actually I noticed that 2 days ago, but I didn't do anything about it and it's getting worst everyday. On top of that I'm on my stupid period which makes things worst. Then TJ called...well actually I texted him first. Sometimes there were long silences...like really long ones so I asked him why weren't he saying anything and he said he didn't know what to say. Isn't he nice? He could just hang up if he didn't know what to say but he kept me company on the phone. He gave me lots of advice because he did some research and I didn't even listen to half of it because I was half asleep. I don't know if lots of guys would googlesearch things like that. Yeah anyways I don't feel like getting out, but I gotta go to the hospital today and it's freakin far. I kinda hope it's only yeast infection...
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