Sorry won't do

Thursday 2 July 2009

Xu Hou Dong just sent me the cutest message ever, but also the message that hurts the most.

余思翠你知道在我心中你占据着最重要的位置吗?, 你知道我的感觉吗?我相信这是上天安排的缘分,因为我深深的爱着你,但是却不能在一起, 对于我,也许是宿命吧,虽然你也喜欢我,但是你们注定不可能在一起,我能猜到开始却才不到结尾,我会保留着对你的那份想念,永远~永远!

I cannot read everything, but I know how he feels. I’m sure it took him a lot to send this…He's not the kind of guy who puts everything on his forehead, and even when we were together, he'd never tell me how he feels. So sometimes, I'd think, maybe he doesn't like me that much, but I'm such a pot of glue that he can't get rid of me so he had to wait until I fly back to Canada?

I feel like crap right now. I know I said things that I shouldn't have said and did things that crossed the line. I should've considered the consequences. I really want to see him and I could give him everything to compensate for what I took away from him, but I don’t know how because that's not how things work. You cannot break someone's heart and try to repair it because you feel sorry. How can you? Aren't you just an immature little bitch, Elaine?

I kept telling myself:
Look what you did? Just because you didn’t think of the consequences, you ruined someone. Aren’t you feeling bad? You do? So what? That won’t solve the problem! Just because you are pretty, that doesn’t mean you are superior and that doesn’t mean you can get anything you like! You think you are the center of the world? WAKE UP!

After reading his message, I know I should never try to contact Kevin again…Isn’t that enough? Don’t cause more trouble. And I know I should forget about P as well. What is he compared to Xu Hou Dong? P is just a pervert who tried to fuck you. Xu Hou Dong never tried to take advantage of you when you were drunk and he still loves you the most.

I'm just very sorry.
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