Unsent letters: Day 5

Friday 23 December 2011

I miss you so much, I feel I can never tell you enough how much I miss you. It hurts me so bad, Jonathan, what should I do?

I've been thinking about us. I remember how you asked me to be your girlfriend on a Sunday afternoon when we were lying on your bed. I remember when we shared a Crunchie on Mont-Royal and you asked me to come to your place, which I refused. I saw you cry watching a movie, you scared me when I was in the shower, I bathed you at my place...I remember how you harassed me with your penis in your kitchen. I remember how old people would look at us with a smile on their face. But I also remember that we had a lot of misunderstandings...what if we talked to each other more? Sometimes, I feel we don't to each other enough about our emotions...
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