To the ignorant ones who hate my city and country

Wednesday 24 March 2010

I just came across a blog of a certain girl who writes about how much she hates Montreal, Quebec and Canada in general. That's apparently the only purpose of her useless blog which I will not advertise by posting the link here, but if you really want to see it, you can ask me privately.

Does that even make sense to diss a country that is so open to other religions and so friendly to everyone no matter where they're from? I wonder how the hell she came to believe that she is the shit for having the guts to diss a country that warmly welcomed her. Same as in the fact that if someone let me sleep over at their place, I'm not going to start complaining about how small the bed is.
It's already wrong enough to hate, but nothing is as bad as hating someone's country and culture. She can hate my friends if she wants to, but to hate my language?! Seriously? It's like...what type of sewer did you pop out from?!

I love montreal; it's my hometown but I just don't like some people who live in here and that makes me want to move out. Those people pollute our beautiful city.

Here's how to recognize her, her friends and her people:
-They rant about how we can't speak "proper french"
-They refuse to speak french even if they are fluent

-They might even refuse to speak english
-They rant about how small downtown is
-They shop at forever 21

-They think Mcgill is the shit
-They tend to stick to their own group
-They like dragon ball
-They are ugly

That girl talks like our every single action has to do with the fact that we're francophones...or Canadians.
If we are bad drivers, it's because we're Canadians.
If we want to have sex before marriage, it's because we're Canadians.
If we got no style, it's because we're Canadians.

If we're not educated, it's because we're are Canadians.


...Not like you really sound like you're more educated than us, honey. You're having a bad day not because you're in Canada, you're having a bad day because you're a hater!
Should I start yelling on the street that all people from her country are unclassy just like her and then create a blog about how her country sucks ass?! Not unless I want to stoop to her level, eh?

It's okay if she just sits at home and makes a few jokes about Canadians between her family and fob friends. That's something that most people do during supper time I think...but to post that on a blog where most readers are Canadians?! Even if they are factual criticism, no one wants to hear them...and no one's asking her to love Canada either. Same as in the fact that I will never insult your mommy in your face even if I think she's a bitch.

How would people feel if they read this, right? For those who are montreal-natives and whose mother tongue is french? It wouldn't be as bad if she wrote in her language...but dude! We have freedom of expression in Canada and some don't seem to enjoy that in a reasonable manner.

To disregard anything positive about Canada s
hows what kind of ungrateful and negative whore you are. If you ever wonder why racism still exists, it's thanks to people like them who hate for no reason and blame everything on our nationality. Aren't they playing a part in promoting racism? Their only argument in defense is "What, you can't take a joke? Sorry if I offended anyone, don't take what I said seriously". Yes, it might be "funny", but let me tell you that it's probably only "funny" to her and her other fob friends.

You can't choose your birthplace, but you can choose where you want to live so if you don't like Montreal, then get the fuck out and no one will miss you. Really, did you forget to bring your brain with you when you came to Canada in your boat?! Because I think you did.

If you love montreal and Canada, raise your hand. If you don't, suck a cock.
Don't hate me if I make more sense than you.
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