Here's why I'm single

Monday 8 March 2010

I still don't get why people always ask me why I'm if there's something wrong about that. Like, really?

Listen people. If you know me, then you should know that I'm not the type who falls for those you-are-hot-and-amazing comments. Those cheesy I-love-you-forever lines make me laugh...and puke. I don't need a slave to beg on his knees for me to feel special...simply because I already know I am. I already know how pretty, smart and amazing I am. I take good care of myself and I love myself to death. I'm not one of those lonely and insecure little girls who constantly need to be reassured. I'm old enough to know what I want and I have my standards. It doesn't take some little boy sucking up to me to make me feel like I need to be with him. I might want to share some great times with someone, but
I have difficulties imagining myself needing anyone. Also, let me tell you that if I wanted sex, I can have that ANYTIME.

Here's what I want though...
-I want to cut and dye my hair
-I want to graduate by year end
-I want a brand new car by next year
-I want to continue studying Chinese
-I want to have a 24 inch waist

-I want to eat healthier
-I want to go to graduate school
-I want better teeth
-I want to build a better relationship with my friends and family
-I want to take more risks
-I want to move to a new city
-I want to actively learn

There's actually a longer list of things I want to do before I die, but I'm not going to post it here today. I've already done most of it though, I should come up with new ones soon haha.

Overall, I just want to improve myself. I want to grow into a person I can look up to. And finally when I'll truly be happy about my life and about the person I am, then maybe the guy for me will finally hop along and join my life. Share in my successes. Share the joy of my accomplishments.

Happiness isn't someone that just shows up; it's something people have to work toward. If you think that I'm going to spend the rest of my life improving some sort of relationship with a guy... then you probably thought wrong because my life is way too short to be wasted that way.

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