The cheater and I are friends again

Friday 2 October 2009

I was with Jason (the mister cheater I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) today. He stayed a bit with me in the librairy. I read 2 fuckin chapters and I still don't understand shit. Great.

I was talking to a friend about Jason earlier:
Me: Jason is kinda nice when he doesn't try to make advances to me. He could be a good friend!
Haowen: When did you become so innocent? That's probably because he wants something from you.
Me: Whatever man...he ain't getting anything.

Yeah so he was really nice to me today. He really pays attention when I talk, even when I talk about things that normal straight guys don't wanna hear about. Except that few weeks ago, he said this: "I'd give anything just to spend a night with you". I just laughed but in my head it was more like: "In your fuckin dreams!", is that supposed to be a joke? Other than this, he's been alright.

We'll see how long he can play Mister Nice for.
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