
Friday 12 October 2012

"Are you in Portugal because you want to see where I come from?"

"Dude, you're only half Portuguese and to me, you're a Quebecer peasant."

"I'm jealous that you're in Lisbon..."

"Well...I liked Istanbul better."

"Shut up."

When I was in Laos, I met two Portugese, and they asked me about my plans. I told them that I'm going to Greece for a few days after Turkey. They immediately told me that Greece is boring; just a few islands here and there. Come visit Lisbon, they told me. So here I am!

Honestly, I thought I was in Montreal when I came out from the airport, but the older part of the city is really pretty. It's a good place to end my trip; it's relaxing and the weather is nice.

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