Quarter-life crisis

Thursday 28 June 2012

I'm not sure why people ask me for insights. Are a lot of people experiencing quarter-life crisis these days?

It sounded so much like Jonathan and I was curious so I looked into it. Apparently, quarter-life crisis can be experienced anywhere from the mid-twenties to mid-thirties, and could last about 2 years. It starts with a feeling of misguided direction and of being trapped in the concept "making less time for living in order to make a living". It is usually caused by inherent inner conflicts, which is quite normal because I believe that people are ambiguous in nature as well as most things in life, but it's those who are not able to balance it out who are most vulnerable.

According to British Psychological Society, there are five phases of quarter-life crisis:
  1. A feeling of being trapped by your life choices. Feeling as if you are not in personal control of your life.
  2. The need to “I’ve got to get out of this”. Realizing something has to change.
  3. Quitting the job, relationship, responsibilities making you feel trapped. Taking time out and begin to discover who you are on your own terms.
  4. Rebuilding your life.
  5. Developing new commitments more attuned to your interests and aspirations
...and of course, it's always a good experience in retrospect.

No thanks.
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