Sunday 23 October 2011

...because I knew of something that I could not put into words at that time. I think I saw that coming. I was crying as I was telling him that things will change and he thought I was being silly. I just feel like we're going back and forth, without ever making it to the next point.

Some continue to work their relationship and grow it together once that confortable stage is reached, while others allow it to create distances. In our case, he resorts back to the old ways once he thinks everything is okay. No matter what the reason is, the bottom line is that someone finally stops trying. I can’t tolerate anything that is mediocre…

Tonight, we were supposed to see each other but when I texted him, he said he was with his friends.

"Are we going to see each other tonight or not?" I texted him.

No answer.

Are you with someone else?” I asked again.

The funny part is that I hope he says yes.
I’m just so damn tired.
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