The catch

Friday 8 April 2011

Yesterday, I was supposed to go to Jonathan's place after my fashion show. I told him I'd finish around 8 PM but it started late so I finished at 9 PM instead. I called him and he said he didn’t eat because he was waiting for me. I was like…"Seriously? You didn’t eat because of me?...but I ate already." I can't believe someone didn't eat because they were waiting for me...

He says he never thought about someone that much after only this short amount of time. I don’t know if he’s a sweet talker or not. I’m not analyzing that much, probably because I don’t care enough yet. I do like him though. He texts me everyday and I enjoy talking to him on the phone until 2 AM. I'm kind of happy right now. It's rare that I giggle like an innocent teen just looking at someone and talking to them.

Last night, we drank some alcohol and watched Black Swan. At first, I was scared to go to his place because he asked me to sleepover, he saw my nude pictures the day before and I knew there would be alcohol involved so, it could have been the last time I see him. Finally, we shared the same bed but we actually didn’t do anything except cuddling. Patience is not a virtue of most men when it comes to sex and if a guy is actually willing to take it slow then, this guy is a catch and is worth the effort.
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