Life's great

Saturday 6 February 2010

So, there was that guy who thought I were in love because I kept smiling while studying, hahaha.

Really, nothing special happened…

It’s just that I see at all those fucked up people. People who consciously, or unconsciously fake everything they are not just to look more interesting in the hope to be appreciated. People who forgot the meaning and value of really basic things...or maybe simply never learned it. People who always have to argue, lie, compare and fight to prove that they are superior and smarter. Is that even that important? There are also those people who are almost in their thirties and still don’t know what they are doing and what they want. People who are lost and don’t know where they are going and even if they know where they are going, they live life like they are colorblind…People who wake up a bit too late? or worst, people not able to wake up?

It’s just sad…
I’m not making those up…

I’m just very thankful I’m not one of them. You can argue that I’m as crazy, but at least I don’t see myself like that. I work hard and I'm motivated. I don't complain and appreciate what I have. I might be living in my bubble but I'm satisfied doing what I'm doing and I'm away from the trouble and gossips. Most importantly, I know how to look back, ask how I got here. Whether it was wonderful or awful, I can leave it behind. I don't feel sorry, I don't regret and I don't know what it is to be embarrassed, call me thick skinned, call me bitch, but I'm pretty lucky to be such a bitch. And I’m really, really, really happy I have perfect vision; I get to see pretty colors!

I don't know if you guys feel me or not. It's something that I always knew but couldn't totally accept, maybe because I were too young, immature and couldn't look beyond imperfections, couldn't stop going after things I don't need, never satisfied with anything, took people for granted. I was probably more fucked up than those people I mentioned above. I'm still young, but like I said, people wake up at different times and some just never do...But if you do, you wake up as a better and happier person. I still have a lot more to learn. It's hard to describe that, so I'll make it cheesy: it feels better than being in love!

Sometimes I smile to myself like an idiot and think “Damn, life’s so great"!
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