Adults are liars and men should die

Wednesday 25 February 2009

How would you feel if you were a 12-year-old who finally found the courage to tell an adult what happenned to you, but that person you really trusted didn't even take it seriously and did nothing about it? You're only a 12-year-old who just came out of elementary school, what can you do? I suddenly remembered that when I was little, teachers always told us that if anything happenned, we should talk to an adult we trusted. I'm sure everyone got that advice at some point in their life, but teachers forgot to tell us that adults are not always right, adults are mostly imcompetant and a lot are just hypocrites and can't do anything except telling you to get over it or to go fix it yourself and the world is very evil but one day it will not bother you anymore because you will become one of them. Really, what kind of advice is that, why didn't they tell us instead that incompetant people give incompetant advices because of their crappy salary? And a 12-year-old...are you kidding? She knows nothing and she'll probably forget it the next morning! YOU PEOPLE ARE ALL STUPID, ALL FAILURES AND THAT'S WHY YOU STILL HAVE TO WORK WITH ANNOYING KIDS AND EARN JUST ENOUGH TO NOT BE CONSIDERED BUM!
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