Dumb badass

Sunday 10 October 2010

Okay, I gotta rant about this before I go back to study. So I've been seeing that guy, a certain Ken, for almost 2 weeks now. A little background info; he's fucked up in the head, drives a super nice car but lives in a cardboard box. We have pet names for each other, he calls me his angel and I call him...hairyballs. Whatever. You know what? I seriously never met someone who brags as much as he does; he could brag about anything all day. He brags about his dick because he thinks I never seen a bigger cock than his’ in my life just because I’m Asian...I almost wanted to quirk a brow and say to his face "Relax dude, your dick is just so average! But oh, I have a friend who is gay, you interested in a gay experience?!"...but I'm too nice to hurt his feelings.

The worst is that he thinks he’s such a pro with his little sweet talks and that all girls would fall for him. Yesterday, he was like "I want to spend every minute I have with you...I think I'm falling in love". It’s like...bitch please, I heard them all, seen them all and in much original versions too. Your version is comparable to your dick: average. Sweet talks are the cheapest kind of words because no one ever walks those sweet talks. It just gives me a reason to doubt him. On top of that, whenever he refers to things he wants to do with me in the future (when we all know that ain't gonna happen), it ruins the moment completely...

Everything he tells me is just dumb, but he's so conceited that he talks like it’s the most badass shit anyone can do in the world. That guy probably haven’t seen further than his little hometown in the north. You know what's funny? I think I was attracted to him at first because he dares to tell me what to do...but then I realized that I’m not able to put up with that, ha.

My friends would go “Oh, but he’s still kind of nice…” The problem is that he’s only nice when it’s convenient to him. Why am I still seeing him? Well, I guess it's entertaining...and convenient. I give back what he gives me. But you know what? I just texted him that I don’t want to see him again because it’s not convenient anymore; I have midterm exams, boy.

Then he wonders why I never sleep over. Well because he’s the kind of guy only good for a one night. I mean...a 5-minute.

Sometimes I wonder why do I always attract guys like him, and I think it's because I have the face of an innocent little good girl and that makes me seem easier to control and an easier target for hit and run? I never fool anyone; I let them fool themselves.

Hi, my name is EJ. I don’t go out, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I go to school, I study all day and I only had one boyfriend in all my life...and I'm so intimidated by big boys, hehehe...just look at the picture and you know what I mean :)

PS.: He just texted back saying that I'm a bitch...like it's a bad thing. See how he turned into an ugly piece of shit after he realized he failed? He deserves it and toward guys like him; a bitch is all you can be. It won't even surprise me if he begs me back so he can dumb me. Obvious shit. That was just funny.

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