Abortion, gay marriage and plastic surgery

Friday 15 May 2009

Are you for or against abortion?

Are you for or against gay marriage?

Are you for or against plastic surgery?

Are you for this or for that?

Etc, etc, etc...

Let me tell you. Every time there is that kind of debate going on, my answer is always:" It should be a personal choice". Every single time. I’m tired of repeating myself.

Who are you to decide if others should get abortion or not? To have gay marriage or not? To have plastic surgery or not? Are you the one going through abortion? no! Are you the one in love with someone of the same sex? no! Are you the one who wants to go under the knife? no! So why do you have to add your opinion? Who are you?

Oh, is this against society? Is the majority more important that the minority? Is there some people more normal than others? Or are more worthy because you got more pennies in your pocket? Narrow-minded people are adnormal, prejudices and intolerance are abnormal. Abortion, gay marriage, plastic surgery are perfectly normal.

Right or wrong...you don't know! The only person who knows is the one who is subject to this.

Why am I saying all this? Because I have to announce something. I decided to get my eyelids done. YES! You heard it right!

If I were against plastic surgery, I can find tons and tons of reasons to justify myself. Contrarily, If I were for plastic surgery, I can find as many reasons to defend myself as well...but it's all meaningless and all a waste of time, because I’m the only one who knows. I know it's right for me...It might not be right for you, but, it's right for me! That's what I want and I will do it because I like it that way. Just because I like it; Not because I want you to like me. I don't even know who you are. PSHH.

Natural beauty? Well no I'm not, is that fine? Are you bitches happier now?

Don’t get me wrong, because I love myself. I just don’t believe in things such as “natural beauty”. What’s natural beauty really…

For people who talk about natural beauty, and tell me that I should appreciate what God gave me...(btw, I don’t believe in God)
In that case, did God give you earring holes? No? So why do you go against nature and pierce your ears? Because everyone has it so you feel justified? Just because everyone does it, does not mean it is right! And just because no one does it, does not mean that it is wrong!

Ever dyed your hair? Ever permed your hair? Ever put on make-up? Ever had braces? Ever shaved? If so, then what do you have to say about plastic surgery? If not, it’s your choice, not mine. Having plastic surgery is my choice, not yours.

AND! I'm not denying my Asian roots, because I absolutely adore everything about being asian, even small boobs.

I'm fake, my hair is fake, my eyelashes are fake, my nails are fake, everything on me is fake, except one thing. What's inside me is not fake and that’s what I call natural beauty; you can only see it with your heart. Everything else is FAKE. I actually didn't need to tell you guys all this, but I just wanted you to think about it and I don't mind letting the world know. Just think about it. There is a lot more to think about, other than sex.

People who decide to undergo plastic surgery shouldn't be afraid to tell the truth. It's not only about plastic surgery, it's about everyone who is subject to this unfairness. Be strong! Be proud! You didn't do anything wrong...because you had the courage to do what you like. Don't be trapped in those values dictated by society. You got to stand up and fight against prejudices for your own sake, and for all those looked down upon because they did what they like and what makes them feel good. Show them that there is nothing to hide, you are what you are, and not what they say you are. We're much smarter than those people judging us anyways.

As I said, I'm also speaking for everyone else who don't dare doing what they like because of society. Society doesn’t mould us; we should mould our society into a desired one. Let’s push it, push it into an open-minded and an improved one. Everyone deserves to be happy.

Don’t worry, I’m still the same Elaine even with my new eyelids!
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