Laying around and reading

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Yay, I received my books today! I can't believe that I'm ordering books instead of clothes and shoes. Do you know why I have perfect vision? Well, because I used to never read or study. Mainstream books like Twilight and Harry Potter might be entertaining but incredibly flat while books that are assigned at school are just plain boring. So I always thought that reading is a torture to my eyes but, I guess I were just never properly introduced to it. But recently, TJ recommended Milan Kundera to me and I fell in love with that book; it almost changed my life. I love those philosophic books that elicit further thinking. It makes me happier than buying new that nerdy?

Like I said, I rarely leave my house anymore; I don't get dressed up or look pretty, I don't do my hair, I don't talk to anybody so I don't ever get excited or angry over anything. I'm just home laying around and grubbing, reading, or watching movies while stuffing myself with unhealthy food, ha. And you know what? I'm not particularly depressed about being anti-social and out of sync...because the busy schedule, sometimes, makes me feel like a ghost walking around. I'm just making time for myself now. Among all the different layers that I have; the one I have in private is the one I'm most comfortable with. That's the only one that allows the possibility of living in truth.

Do I sound like a hypocrite when I say I don't like to draw attention to myself?
Maybe I’m on my period.
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