Shanghai: Part II

Saturday 14 June 2008

Part II:
-Nanjing Road
-The bund
-Oriental Pearl


This is the second part of
this post. We went to Nanjing road which is the main shopping street of Shanghai and of China. Everything is so damn cool, it's like a shopping heaven...and they don't sell fake stuff so sorry for cheap people!
Let's start:
Nanjing road is 3.4 miles long, so we decided to take a train for a few cents.

train in nanjing road

Here's a building in construction. It's all supported with bamboo sticks

bamboo sticks

That's part of Nanjing road

nanjing road

Chinese Nike:

chinese nike

Kevin in front of Shanghai Fashion store, we didn't even go inside because we only had one day so we had to keep moving...

shanghai fashion store

15 minutes break =)

nanjing road

It's time for some food! We decided to eat at subway because ohhh I missed fastfood and Kevin never ate at subway's before...poor guy.

chinese subway

Chinese Subway is not tasty at all!!!
...but he enjoyed it.

subway, nanjing road

Yarkk excuse my hair color....I wanted to go to a hair salon in China, but my hair is equal to my life and my chinese is not so good so I didn't wanna risk my life.

subway, nanjing road

After Nanjing, we went to the Bund. It's a nice place to hangout and you got a nice view of the oriental pearl. Unfortunately, the weather was really bad so we couldn't really see:

the bund, shanghai

Me and the pearl:

the bund, shanghai

Kevin's turn:

the bund, shanghai

the bund, shanghai

There were people selling stuff, couples and friends hanging around, delicious food, and more delicious food, yummy~~

the bund, shanghai

We heard the night view is even better so we decided to take a coffee break and wait =) Everything is cheap in China except coffee.

coffee break, the bund, shanghai

coffee break, the bund, shanghai

There was this lady trying to sell us flowers, she insisted for at least 15 minutes. She was trying to convince Kevin to buy me a rose, so I told him that I didn't want, but she insisted that I meant yes even if I said no. She was right, I wanted that rose because no one ever gave me flowers before. That's Kevin, he'll do whatever I tell him to do, but he'll wait until I ask...*sigh*

the bund, shanghai

Reading the famous guide hehe, I would've been so lost without him. It was even complicated to buy a train ticket.

the bund, shanghai

Yay! Here's the Oriental Pearl Tower, the tallest TV tower in China and third in the world after Canada and Russia.

Oriental pearl tower

oriental pearl tower

As I said, the weather sucked, so we couldn't see anything because of the stupid fog.

oriental pearl tower

Me at my lowest point. I didn't realize until I saw that picture:

oriental pearl tower

WHOAA! We are 1230 Km away from Hong Kong!

oriental pearl tower

oriental pearl tower

Having fun with the mirror attached to the ceiling:

oriental pearl tower

Asian Peace!

oriental pearl tower

Kevin somewhere in Europe, what a cute immigrant =)

oriental pearl tower

Me in Beijing, what a hot laowai (foreigner)!!

oriental pearl tower

Egypt too!

oriental pearl tower

Next and last but not the least: Shanghai Municipal History Museum! I always thought museums are boring and hate all museums, I even hate the nasty Insectarium and Biodome, but I abosolutely love that one. It was a bit freaky because it was late and there were only a few people in that HUGE museum... and I kept thinking about that movie House of Wax...
You see why I was scared? That's why:

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

found another lover:

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Life's hard, eh!

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Find the fake one:

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Pretending to be good with children:

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Find Charlie:

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

That's freaky too:

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

The giant!!

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

I got no idea what they are doing but that looks weird...

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

Chinese opera?

Shanghai Municipal History Museum

What a long post!

So that was 1 day in Shanghai! I might be able to go back next year with a friend if all goes well and if I don't need to take any summer classes, cool right?! =)

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