2013 Resolutions...kind of

Sunday 30 December 2012

Jonathan still haven't gave me the keys, but I'll leave that aside for now, because he got me a really nice Christmas gift, and he usually never gives me anything, not even for my birthday. Can you believe?! Anyways, he got me a necklace. I normally wouldn't have purchased that style of necklace on my own, especially because I'm not a jewelry person, but thinking about such a macho hairy teddy bear walking into a jewelry store to pick up a gift for his girlfriend really makes me laugh.

Since I came back from my trip, I've become very lazy. It just feels great to be a useless person doing pointless things once in a while. I've been watching Chinese series everyday, as soon as I come back home from work. I've been doing stretching exercises recommended by the chiropractor. Yes, I gave up on physiotherapy and acupuncture. I really hope I can fully recover someday, so I can continue to live.

So, in 2012, I set some goals, but I wouldn't consider them resolutions. I wanted to pass my CPA exams, which I did. To take 3 months off and go backpacking, which I did as well. To get back into shape, which I kind of indirectly did because I travelled and that involved sweating, moving around, carrying stuff, duh! I also wanted to read more, but I did not. Lastly, I wanted another designation, but I don't see the point of it at this stage in my career. I might still go for the CFE tittle later.

For 2013, here are the things that I would like to accomplish:

  • Accumulate enough hours to officially become a CPA. Ha, that should be easy if I don't get fired.
  • I've grown out of many things that used to matter after I came back, but I'm still obsessed over one thing, which I will not specify. I'm hoping I can grow out of it by the end of 2013.
  • I just registered a business at the REQ to keep myself occupied. It's also related to my interest, which is good. I'm currently just testing products, so I won't reveal much for now.
  • I bought a new camera that I don't know how to use yet. I need to learn how to use it, haha.
  • I eat too much and don't exercise. I probably won't be able to eat less, but I will try to find a way to exercise more.
  • Read the books I just bought on Amazon. It's difficult for me to read because I'm very picky about where and when I can read. I have perfect vision for a reason.
  • Write more. I obviously haven't wrote much, because nothing has been going on in my life for the past 2 months.
  • I'm already doing it, but I will learn a new dish every other week.
  • Learn a new language for at least one hour on weekends.
  • Try new things in Montreal, because I realize how I don't know Montreal that much at all. I've been to many countries, but I've never really seen Canada...I will start by celebrating New Year's Eve differently this year.
That's all!

Oh, guess what? I'm working tomorrow.
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