Returning to the scene of the crime

Friday 15 July 2011

Statistics have shown that criminals, who are guilty, will impulsively return to the scene of the crime and places they have destroyed with their own hands. I can’t speak for all, but for him; I surely have an idea of the reasoning behind his motives.

The most valuable talent of many men is the unhealthy amount of control once exerted over a woman. Often, it’s only about finding out whether they still have that ability. Forget about money, power, and respect. Control and convenience are one of the worst drugs to be addicted to. It’s a vicious circle that enslaves many.

…and that’s when I think he’s so miserable. I hope he outgrows this someday.

As for me, I can’t keep myself from revisiting the facts either. We’re all elements of a periodic table that have unique characteristics but when mixed with another, we change in ways that is beyond our control. I’ve never been this weak around someone and that vulnerability intrigues me. I keep examining it using different approach, testing it multiple times to arrive at different interpretations. I, sometimes, even wake up to these thoughts at nights.
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