It's that time of the year again. It's the last day of 2017 and it's time for a little annual recap.
Today, I'm just staying home, cleaning, doing my taxes, trying to throw away things and now I'm reflecting on my year. I'm not going out or anything, because I want to wake-up fresh for 2018.
There are so many things that happened in 2017 that I would've never predicted last year. I feel incredible, and I'm mostly happy but somehow bittersweet. I made many spontaneous (and crazy) decisions, some turned out great, some not so great, and some of which the results are still a mystery.
I remember 2016 was a joyful year where everything just fits like a puzzle. However, people will always look for new puzzles to solve and greater challenges. I was no longer content with what I had. I wanted things to be even better and step up a level. I think 2017 set a good base for what I hope for in my future.
In early 2017, I almost fell in love. I was vulnerable. I let go of boundaries. Sadly, it didn't work out the way I hoped it would. However, I left the situation without regrets and I keep great memories of it. It's okay to try, and to be heartbroken. It's life and it's beautiful but it takes courage and strength to live and experience it fully.
Later in 2017, I lost a dear friend in a plane crash. I miss her so much that I'm still crying when I think about her. I miss our summer spent together and I miss everything about her. To think that she will not see 2018 hurts me deeply. It reminds me to live life fully, to not take people for granted, to spend time with them and be fully engaged.
In the middle of 2017, I decided to go on a weekly little adventure. I did this because I don't want to let busy routines and work be an excuse to not try new things and be adventurous. Time flies away so quickly when you're busy and not paying attention to little things, and I don't want to be left wondering what I did this whole time when I get older. I want to have some good stories to tell.
Also in the middle of 2017, I adventured on trailless mountains for the first time, as I'm getting more comfortable navigating in the wilderness. I definitely want to try more of these and possibly finish all 46 mountains of the Adirondacks next year. I also hope to spend more time outdoors.
In later part of 2017, I incorporated and hired my first part-time employee. I feel blessed to have the freedom to create a work environment that I enjoy and to have the chance to work towards what I envision. I'm hopeful that it will open doors to more opportunities in 2018.
Also in the later part of 2017, I traveled to Iceland and drove around the whole country, and fell in love with the highlands. I also went back to Grande-Bergeronnes, my favorite place in the province to spend some time away on my own, be disconnected and just do nothing for once, other than listening to the whales' singing.
At the end of 2017, I found my dream home (and got a new car), which I already wrote about in a previous post so I won't be going in much details. That really sparked up my interest in real estate and I'm definitely looking to invest more in the future.
Overall in 2017, I was the best version of myself. I allowed others to be themselves. There are people who convince you to be less because they are, they are afraid of rejection, of being used, of being uncomfortable, but don't become what you hate. You don't need to be less because they can't be more.
For the past two years, my resolutions were to be more open-minded, to not let pride get in the way of life's most beautiful things, and be patient enough to not settle for less, and I think those are good resolutions to keep for 2018. I just hope that everything will be even better in 2018, and I hope it will be full of surprises and new adventures.
Weekly little adventures (W24-27): I'm moving...finally!
"You have traveled around the world, you started a business that works and if you also buy a home before turning 30, it would be a nice accomplishment."
"I don't know. I'm quite happy now."
That was a conversation I had with a friend a couple of months ago. Little would I have thought that I'm actually going to do it.
I never really felt the need to move out. I live in a big house in a nice neighborhood. My mom cooks and cleans for me. It definitely saves me a lot of time and work. Of course, there are some inconveniences. For example, my dad nags me when he sees me in the kitchen in the morning. No big deal, I started waking up later. He also nags me when I come back home. No big deal, I stay in my room. My mom questions my relationships, my work and my whereabouts. No big deal, I never spend the night out, so no explanations needed, and no questions asked ever again. There are no other places warmer than my own bed anyway.
However lately, there is this tiny drop that spilled the glass. There is always some strangers at home which I really don't appreciate, especially when you're not notified in advance. Not that they need my permission or anything, but I think it's just common courtesy to at least let you know. Just imagine, you wake up, you're all comfortable in your pajamas, you walk downstairs and you realize there is a stranger on your couch that ignores your presence, as if they were in their own house. How rude. It almost feels like an invasion of privacy. That was a bit of an exaggeration of course but honestly, it makes me quite uncomfortable, even if ironically I'm in my own house, and they are not.
My parents say they can invite whoever they want because it's their house. I think they really forgot that my name is also on the house and if it wasn't me, maybe that house would not be theirs and they would not be able to be so loud about it. It makes me think that I really don't have any respect. They always like to compare me to their friend's children, but have they asked them if their children also contribute as much as I do? They raised me and all, and I can never pay them back but that doesn't mean they can disrespect me like that. In a way, I'm more powerful than my parents, I can fly away if I really wanted to, but I didn't. Now, they are taking it for granted.
They always think what a huge sacrifice they made for me, but they don't really realize what I've done for them. I lived a restrained life because I have too much respect for what they expected from me. I'm not going to lie, but I care way too much about making money, living a good life and achieving career goals because I want them to live comfortably. I'm mostly unforgiving and selfish in relationships and with people who don't align with my standards of living. I'm quite a superficial person in that sense.
In my heart, I'm a free-spirit, I dream of living in a van and drive away and wake up to a different scenery every day...but that would be quite selfish of me. The only time I'm really myself is when I travel, it's the only time I can let go of those standards, criteria and just enjoy life for what it is. That was always a small part inside me that bothered me, and I repressed that for too long.
I really want some peace, I don't want to answer any questions or talk to anybody or see anybody that I do not like in a place that is supposed to be home.
I wanted to wait until next year because the last time I was employed full-time for a whole year was in 2014, in 2015 I worked half of the year, in 2016 I also worked half of the year, in 2017 I worked the whole year but incorporated half way, which isn't great from the bank's point of view. My situation is considered highly risky and it's hard to get financing, especially next year because the rules will be even stricter. Luckily, I found my dream home within 2 days and logically, I should not have much trouble getting approved. If all goes well, I'm moving end of January.
Life is just crazy and I feel lucky to have the freedom to make such a huge yet spontaneous decisions. I think that will really help me leave those baggage and those prejudices behind, and just be a bit more who I want to be...
"I don't know. I'm quite happy now."
That was a conversation I had with a friend a couple of months ago. Little would I have thought that I'm actually going to do it.
I never really felt the need to move out. I live in a big house in a nice neighborhood. My mom cooks and cleans for me. It definitely saves me a lot of time and work. Of course, there are some inconveniences. For example, my dad nags me when he sees me in the kitchen in the morning. No big deal, I started waking up later. He also nags me when I come back home. No big deal, I stay in my room. My mom questions my relationships, my work and my whereabouts. No big deal, I never spend the night out, so no explanations needed, and no questions asked ever again. There are no other places warmer than my own bed anyway.
However lately, there is this tiny drop that spilled the glass. There is always some strangers at home which I really don't appreciate, especially when you're not notified in advance. Not that they need my permission or anything, but I think it's just common courtesy to at least let you know. Just imagine, you wake up, you're all comfortable in your pajamas, you walk downstairs and you realize there is a stranger on your couch that ignores your presence, as if they were in their own house. How rude. It almost feels like an invasion of privacy. That was a bit of an exaggeration of course but honestly, it makes me quite uncomfortable, even if ironically I'm in my own house, and they are not.
My parents say they can invite whoever they want because it's their house. I think they really forgot that my name is also on the house and if it wasn't me, maybe that house would not be theirs and they would not be able to be so loud about it. It makes me think that I really don't have any respect. They always like to compare me to their friend's children, but have they asked them if their children also contribute as much as I do? They raised me and all, and I can never pay them back but that doesn't mean they can disrespect me like that. In a way, I'm more powerful than my parents, I can fly away if I really wanted to, but I didn't. Now, they are taking it for granted.
They always think what a huge sacrifice they made for me, but they don't really realize what I've done for them. I lived a restrained life because I have too much respect for what they expected from me. I'm not going to lie, but I care way too much about making money, living a good life and achieving career goals because I want them to live comfortably. I'm mostly unforgiving and selfish in relationships and with people who don't align with my standards of living. I'm quite a superficial person in that sense.
In my heart, I'm a free-spirit, I dream of living in a van and drive away and wake up to a different scenery every day...but that would be quite selfish of me. The only time I'm really myself is when I travel, it's the only time I can let go of those standards, criteria and just enjoy life for what it is. That was always a small part inside me that bothered me, and I repressed that for too long.
I really want some peace, I don't want to answer any questions or talk to anybody or see anybody that I do not like in a place that is supposed to be home.
I wanted to wait until next year because the last time I was employed full-time for a whole year was in 2014, in 2015 I worked half of the year, in 2016 I also worked half of the year, in 2017 I worked the whole year but incorporated half way, which isn't great from the bank's point of view. My situation is considered highly risky and it's hard to get financing, especially next year because the rules will be even stricter. Luckily, I found my dream home within 2 days and logically, I should not have much trouble getting approved. If all goes well, I'm moving end of January.
Life is just crazy and I feel lucky to have the freedom to make such a huge yet spontaneous decisions. I think that will really help me leave those baggage and those prejudices behind, and just be a bit more who I want to be...
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W23): Chaotic but calm
Sunday, 3 December 2017
certain but unsettled
unsettled but content
content but uncertain
uncertain but trusting
trusting but chaotic
chaotic but calm
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W22): Hi
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Never quite satisfied
with stray thoughts
and loose ends
But I do not know, yet
how to express
in damp coldness
that's nothing but that's all
with stray thoughts
and loose ends
But I do not know, yet
how to express
in damp coldness
that's nothing but that's all
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W21): 99% chance of clouds with 1% chance of awesome
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W20): Gratitude
Sunday, 5 November 2017
Routine makes most things, people and event meaningless. Life goes by unnoticed. Today, I will be positive and think of things that I appreciate on a daily basis, which is not something I've done before. Maybe this could be a great way of becoming more aware, slow down and reconnect. Let's see what this can do to.
Client's appreciation
A good cup of iced coffee
Being able to fall asleep after drinking coffee
A good stretch
Lana Del Rey
Climbing with friends
Crossing out tasks from to do list
Singing in my car
Finding a parking
Falling asleep before midnight
Not having to talk to anybody in the morning
Not wearing make-up
Mom's food
Fresh hair and hair cuts
Hiking on a warm winter day
Wearing pajamas
Reducing my belongings
Junk food after supper
Good conversations
Client's appreciation
A good cup of iced coffee
Being able to fall asleep after drinking coffee
A good stretch
Lana Del Rey
Climbing with friends
Crossing out tasks from to do list
Singing in my car
Finding a parking
Falling asleep before midnight
Not having to talk to anybody in the morning
Not wearing make-up
Mom's food
Fresh hair and hair cuts
Hiking on a warm winter day
Wearing pajamas
Reducing my belongings
Junk food after supper
Good conversations
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W19): Taking initiative to keep in touch
Sunday, 29 October 2017
She means the world to me, yet I never made an effort to keep in touch, to care or think about her...because she was always there. Work is important, but as important as it is, it's replaceable. She, however, is part of my most cherished memories. It really makes no sense that she always has to be the one to call me and making sure I have everything I need. This week, I decided to take some initiative. She sounded so happy. This will not be once in a blue moon kind of event anymore. I want to make this into a tradition from now on.
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W18): My first part-time employee
Sunday, 22 October 2017
This week, I hired my first part-time employee. I feel so happy, even though it isn't anything that significant. Having a business is like having a baby, you're happy and excited for every little things and nothings.
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W17): Opening up
Sunday, 15 October 2017
"What do you do after work?"
"I have so much work even after work, if not I just relax at home or go climbing...what do you do?"
"I always go have a quick drink at the bar, sometimes alone, sometimes with a meet people, give people a chance to meet me...when I first met you, you had that huge wall around you, that's why I made it a challenge, and I decided to come say hi to you every morning...and one day, you finally came to say hi first. You should try to open up more, go out, meet people and have fun with it."
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W16): Being an adult
Sunday, 8 October 2017
My dad used to take care of pretty much everything. When I got my car several years ago, he's the one who went to the dealer and did all the talking and negotiating. He's the one who had to call all the insurance companies to get quotes. He's the one who changes my tires every time. When there is something that needs to be fixed, I tell him to take my car to the garage...I was pretty spoiled. This week, I feel like a big girl and I negotiated a good deal for my new car and ate the car sales alive. I never thought I was so good at it until I tried.
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W15): Drawing
Sunday, 1 October 2017
This is my first time drawing in 20 years.
I used to draw during classes all the time. I used to be artistic and creative...but I wasn't like those kids that perused arts as a career choice. At some point, I chose to spend my time and focus my energy elsewhere. Things have drawing skills are pretty bad, and I made no progress at all since elementary school. I also really don't think I enjoy it anymore. Nonetheless, drawing brought back so many memories of who I used to be...
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W14):
Sunday, 24 September 2017
For the past year and a half, I was just content doing what I was doing. I was content because I had the freedom to choose my schedule to a certain point, I like to be creative and help my clients and decide the way I want to work, and I felt valued.
However, it's difficult to delegate the work that I'm doing because it's mostly consulting work, and to train someone for it would take years. I've always advertised myself as Elaine, and clients want to work with me because it's me. Even though I had freedom day to day, I didn't have enough freedom to go on vacations for extended periods of time. Sure, I can work less if I wanted, but clients still need me and I like to provide a good service and be there for them. I'm proud but exhausted. I feel there is something I can do differently.
Exactly 7 weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to change. I wanted to grow. I wanted to be able to work from anywhere in the world, and I wanted to be able to delegate some work. I decided to try cloud accounting, and to grow that part of my business. In the past several weeks, I took all the necessary steps to build the foundation, from finding a good name, building the website, filed all papers for incorporation, set up payroll, got certified on different platforms, etc. Now, I'm finally ready to work on growth. I'm just excited to see where all of this will go.
However, it's difficult to delegate the work that I'm doing because it's mostly consulting work, and to train someone for it would take years. I've always advertised myself as Elaine, and clients want to work with me because it's me. Even though I had freedom day to day, I didn't have enough freedom to go on vacations for extended periods of time. Sure, I can work less if I wanted, but clients still need me and I like to provide a good service and be there for them. I'm proud but exhausted. I feel there is something I can do differently.
Exactly 7 weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to change. I wanted to grow. I wanted to be able to work from anywhere in the world, and I wanted to be able to delegate some work. I decided to try cloud accounting, and to grow that part of my business. In the past several weeks, I took all the necessary steps to build the foundation, from finding a good name, building the website, filed all papers for incorporation, set up payroll, got certified on different platforms, etc. Now, I'm finally ready to work on growth. I'm just excited to see where all of this will go.
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W13): Climbing harder
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Climbing has been a passion of mine for over a year. When I first started, I was pretty self-conscious and never went alone. I wish I had a private gym so that nobody could see me climb. Now even though I got much better, I'm still a bit self-conscious. I avoid trying harder stuff above my limit, and failing repeatedly on the same problem.
Sometimes, when I see people working on the same problem all evening and falling at the same place for the 50th time...I kind of laugh and admire at the same time, and for the very same reason. Persistence looks silly until it pays off.
Very often, I would just move on and try something else and that also means that improvement have been much slower in the past several months. Very often crux moves require your body to learn a new movement and trying one time isn't enough. That being said, I've decided to not give up on a problem unless I've tried it at least 10 times.
Sometimes, when I see people working on the same problem all evening and falling at the same place for the 50th time...I kind of laugh and admire at the same time, and for the very same reason. Persistence looks silly until it pays off.
Very often, I would just move on and try something else and that also means that improvement have been much slower in the past several months. Very often crux moves require your body to learn a new movement and trying one time isn't enough. That being said, I've decided to not give up on a problem unless I've tried it at least 10 times.
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W12): Discomfort and rejection
Sunday, 10 September 2017
Acknowledging discomfort is crucial for growth. In the past years, I've grown accustomed to uncomfortable emotions. There are many things we want in life, but the question is what kind of pain would you accept and how much are you willing to suffer. These are the questions that determine how far one can go, and more so than intelligence.
If there are people who never gets rejected, it is not because they are perfect, it is because they are not trying hard enough and they are living too far inside their comfort zone.
This week, I tried something. I suspected it was a long shot, but I'd rather fail than regret not trying.
Never be afraid to try, because every no brings you closer to a yes. You never get to where you are unless you appreciate pain, discomfort and rejection.Very often, it leads the way to new opportunities...and I know that it is proof that I'm living life to the fullest.
If there are people who never gets rejected, it is not because they are perfect, it is because they are not trying hard enough and they are living too far inside their comfort zone.
This week, I tried something. I suspected it was a long shot, but I'd rather fail than regret not trying.
Never be afraid to try, because every no brings you closer to a yes. You never get to where you are unless you appreciate pain, discomfort and rejection.Very often, it leads the way to new opportunities...and I know that it is proof that I'm living life to the fullest.
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W11): Unplug
Sunday, 3 September 2017
Two years ago, I went kayaking on the saint-Lawrence river and discovered a really nice camping where you can pitch your tent on a platform on the rocks. It's really hard to book this place, especially on weekends. This year, I absolutely wanted to experience this place so I booked 5 months in advance.
I brought tons of food, snacks, drinks, papers and a pen. I won't be doing hiking, I won't be exploring, I won't have fear of missing out. My goal was to just do nothing, to not plan ahead, and to just be. I wanted to know what it was like to be disconnected from social media, internet, work and not talk to anybody, whether it was in person or by text. I'm not sure if I'll be able to not talk to anybody, since I need to at least go get ice at the store and I will run into people and it's not polite to not say hi, especially in the country. But I will definitely try to disconnect.
My first day was quite scary. I drove 7 hours to get there and I was pretty excited until I realized how windy it was by the shore. I had a hard time setting my tent up. I managed to do it after an hour and I put all the heavy stuff inside my tent so it won't fly away. I had the most exposed spot as it was closest to the water. I must admit I was on social media talking to my mom and friends, sending pictures and sharing my fear and excitement. The night was so windy and rainy that it woke me up. I was afraid that my tent could not stand since I had a lightweight tent that I got for backpacking. Luckily, I made it through the first night in one piece.
The following 2 days were sunny and calm with a bit of wind but the weather was pleasant. I spent my days watching whales and observing marine life. I saw mostly minke, rorquals, belugas, porpoise. I thought I saw an orca but it was probably something else. I think whales are my favorite animals, they are so majestic and mysterious.
In the evenings, I would just build a fire and stare at the sky for hours, just wondering what's beyond. I could hear the whales once in a while and to think these giants are swimming by so close is a fantastic feeling, it makes me feel so small and insignificant.
I had to turn on my cellphone once to look for the nearest store to get ice, and noticed a voicemail. It was my client and I did text back. I couldn't resist checking my e-mails at the same time. I'm not so proud of myself. I also googled stupid things like, where to put ice in a cooler, and what kind of whales I'm seeing. It's amazing how close they get sometimes. Other than that, I was mostly disconnected.
I got bored at times of course, but it's part of the adventure to see how I could entertain myself without social media and internet. What I love about camping is that when it's cold, you're cold, when it's hot, you're hot. The sounds of nature wake you up, you hear the whales in the morning and the birds singing, etc. Keeping clean isn't so convenient...just the way humans used to live. Humans used to take risks and live in danger. Now we're just machines without emotions. It doesn't matter that we're sad, as long as the economy runs. We build houses and cities that isolates us from nature. I think it's important to remember a time we did not even exist yet, and maybe we'll understand ourselves better, and not just what society wants.
I had less stuff to write about than I thought. I guess I'm just unbothered. I'm here, with the whales and that's all that matters. People must think it's weird for a girl to camp alone, but who cares! It's really a magical part of the world here.
Day by Day
Weekly little adventures (W9-W10): Iceland
Sunday, 27 August 2017
I didn't have any real plans, just booked my flight without giving it too much thoughts and booked a car. At first, I really wanted to see what it was like living in a camper, because it is a dream of mine to live in a camper and travel everywhere. However, I couldn't find one to rent because it was last minute and I have no idea how to drive manual so my choices are limited. So, I went with a 4x4. Some people say you don't need it and can get away with a 2WD, but in my opinion, it is necessary if you want to explore outside of the tourists zone, and you really should get outside of your comfort zone because that's what Iceland is all about! Just because regular cars are allowed on some roads doesn't mean that it's not going to damage your car, and just because you have a 4x4 doesn't mean you can drive on any roads. Icelandic wilderness is spectacular but brutal, and one must be stay humble when travelling around.
We also did camping all the way which is the best way to travel in Iceland, because you don't need to plan ahead and you just stop when you're tired. Camping doesn't require reservations, you simply stop when you see one. You can also camp in the wild, or pretty much anywhere without a sign that says you can't, but be sure to leave no trace. Who doesn't love spontaneity?
My favorite parts of Iceland were the waterfalls, there were so many waterfalls. I used to not really understand what was the big deal about waterfalls, until Iceland. They were everywhere, small and big, and it's really mesmerizing. I also loved driving in the highlands, and just the unknown waiting to be explored!
I only had 7.5 days to spend in Iceland, and I'd definitely love to go back for some more hiking as we didn't have much time for long hikes, and to see more in depth. Quite frankly, you really need to be as energetic as I am to drive and see that much in 7.5 days, because it's really short...or unless you can share the driving with someone.
Here is the day to day itinerary. I hope that helps someone out there who wants to explore Iceland!
Day 1
I finished work and took the plane in the evening to Keflavik. I was in such a rush that I worried about forgetting to bring stuff. I also worried about driving a rental car in a unfamiliar place without much sleep. I arrived there at 5 in the morning and picked up the car without too much delay. Then, I went to a gas station and got a sim card so I could google places as we went on. I also downloaded, which are offline maps that serve as GPS without data or service. I highly recommend it.
The first day was an easy day. Our destination, Vik, was about 3 hours away, with terrific spots to explore along the way. It was an easy day to handle, and to get acquainted with Iceland. It was very near Reykjavik, so there were lots of tourists of course.
Seljalandfoss |
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Skogafoss |
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Sólheimasandur Plane Crash |
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Black beach |
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Reynishverfi Rocks |
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Dyrhólaey Arch |
We visited Seljalandfoss, Skogafoss, Sólheimasandur Plane Crash, Reynishverfi Rocks, Dyrhólaey Arch. We had plenty of time to explore. There definitely was a lot of walking involved, and I wasn't exactly feeling at my best and had a stomachache. But overall, it was an awesome day.
Originally, I wanted to continue all the way to Landmannalaugar, which are colorful mountains in the highlands, but I figured it would be a bit much and I was too sleepy to keep on driving...and I was the only driver unfortunately. I would definitely come back for this someday!
We stopped at Vik to resupply, have a cold shower and spend the night at a campsite. Yes, it is sometimes not that comfortable, you might not always get hot water, you don't have a comfortable warm bed, etc, but very often these are times you get to discover the most.
Day 2
The plan today was to drive to Hofn to spend the night, but after visiting the Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, Mossy Lava Rocks, Jokulsarlon Lagoon, Skaftafell National Park, and having a nice supper in Hofn, I figured that we could drive further north so we can have a shorter driving day the next day.
It was about 6pm when we left Hofn and the goal was to get to Neskaupstadur, because someone recommended a camping spot there. Also, I really wanted to escape the tourists and the further away from Rekjavik, the least there will be. According to, it should take 3.5 hours, but it ended up taking us 5.5 hours. Can you believe? I learned my lesson to never underestimate driving time in Iceland. pointed me towards a F-road, and I had no idea. I didn't turn back because it was a great chance for me to see what it was like, because I was really curious...although it was starting to get dark. I guess it didn't take into consideration that the highlands are so rough that I couldn't drive faster than 20-30km/h. I was so afraid to get a flat tire but I didn't say anything to not jinx myself. The land was so vast and the roads so narrow that I was scared to fall off the cliffs.
The highlands comes in all forms but mostly consists of white glaciers, mountains, lava deserts, black sands, rock formations, waterfalls, volcanoes, and much more. It is rugged, grand and powerfully peaceful. It really defies imagination and it's an amazing feeling to be up there. There are times you drive there for days without coming across any cars, and there are no gas stations in the highlands. There are also times it gets very foggy and windy. It is Europe's largest inhabited land. There comes times where you might have to cross glacier rivers. That's why it is recommended to go in groups of 2 cars so that 1 car can get help if anything happens. Going there wasn't planed in my case, so it was just me. Luckily for us, we made it through in one piece. It was definitely one of my best moments in Iceland, and I can't even describe that feeling.
Needless to say, it was dark when we arrived. However, it was probably the best day driving because the scenery was just amazing everywhere we went, the harbor towns, the dinosaurland-like landscape, the highlands, the random coastal views, the mountains smoking at the top, glaciers, mossy fields, black rock fields that made us feel like we were in the moon. It was all too beautiful to be true!
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Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon |
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Skaftafell National Park |
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Jokulsarlon Lagoon |
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Mossy Lava Rocks |
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The view from our camping spot |
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Coastal views |
Day 3
We woke up to a pretty nice scenery, and drove to Myvatn. At this point, I realized that there are certain towns that are really popular with tourists because they have been mentioned in blogs and travel itinerary, and I figured the best way to get a tranquil good night was to drive to a random town past it because it's probably as beautiful and very often, you might discover something unexpected.
The road to Myvatn is quite interesting, it looks like there was a powerful force pushing from under the earth. It smells sulfur a bit everywhere, with all the geothermal activity. That day, we had the chance to see Dettifoss, Krafla Power Station, Viti crater, Hverarönd/Namafjall Geothermal, Hrossaborg Horse City and Hverfjall Cone.
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Dettifoss |
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Viti crater |
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Hverarönd/Namafjall Geothermal |
We also had a chance to go to the natural geothermal spa in Myvatn to relax and recharge our batteries. I hesitated to go at first because it was raining quite badly and I just don't know if I wanted to be in a spa with rain falling on my face. I'm so glad I went because it really is the perfect place to be when the weather is not good. You barely notice it when you bathe in the naturally heated warm milky pool. We spent the night at Myvatn after having a good time at the spa.
Day 4
Today, the stop most people stopped at was Hvammstangi, so I decided to drive all the way to Holmavik in Westfjord instead. On our way there, we stopped at Akureyri, the second largest town in the north, Godafoss and Aldeyjarfoss, which is my favorite waterfall. There was nobody there when we were there as it is off the ring road and requires some f-roading but it's not as bad. You will either need a 4x4 or some hiking boots. The rock formations are just wonderful, it looks like mother nature drew some cool design on the rocks, especially at the top of the basalt column, it looked like there were flower designs. It made me wonder, how on earth did this happen. How was this created? It just looked like the earth split into two. I could spend hours just staring at the magnificence of this natural sight.
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Aldeyjarfoss |
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Akureyri |
Day 5
Today is when the adventures in Westfjord begins! Westfjord is the most unexplored and underrated region.The gorgeous open roads and unexpected sceneries, the random naturally heated pools with amazing views of the ocean are amazing. You will want to stop very often as the Westfjord is an attraction in itself. Not many people venture there and there will be many sheep on the road so must be careful not to kill one. The condition of the roads are not that great and the driving time is always way longer than expected.
We actually didn't have much time to be there, but I absolutely wanted to go even if that means long drives. How much you see depends on the weather as it can change dramatically. For us, it was windy and foggy at times, but overall it was great. There is Hornstrandir, which is not accessible by car but I would love to go back and explore.
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Gardar Ba 64 Shipwreck |
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Dynjandi waterfall |
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Ísafjörður |
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Random views along the coast |
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Dynjandi waterfall |
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Rauðasandur beach |
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Melanes Camping |
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Latrabjarg Cliffs |
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Sheep blocking the road |
We saw Ísafjörður, Gardar Ba 64 Shipwreck, Dynjandi waterfall which was another one of my favorite, as there were many levels to the waterfall and it is remote and such a hidden gem, we also went to Latrabjarg Cliffs but were unable to hike all the way there because it was extremely windy, and I had a hard time standing still. I definitely didn't want to fall off that cliff.
Day 6
I didn't have any real plans on day 6 as it all depended on how it went in the previous days, and luckily it all went well and managed to get a lot covered. We visited some Viking ancient sites and drove to see the geysir. I thought the drive will be uneventful but pointed us to a F-road. This one was quite amazing too, it felt like we were in mars with those red-ish mountains. On the way out of the F-road, we drove through some lush green forest which is quite rare in Iceland. It was my first time witnessing a geysir and it was beautiful.
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Geysir |
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Viking Museum |
Day 7
We visited Thingvellir before going to Reykjavik. Thingvellir is the old parliament site and my least favorite place visited on this trip. It was packed with tourists buses as it's very close to the golden circle attractions. Luckily, we were there pretty early and had some quiet time before all the buses arrived.
We then went to Reykjavik and explored town. There were so many cute cafes, and it's not overcrowded like the ones in Montreal. You can actually sit peacefully and read a book, which isn't something I would do in Montreal because it's often too loud and too crowded. The ones that are quiet are usually not nice anyway. After exploring town, we headed to the blue lagoon.
I'm usually not that into spas, but I'm definitely enjoying it here in Iceland. The blue lagoon, although cliche and touristic, was awesome. And there are limited lockers, so the number of people is actually limited, and it's so big that you don't feel there are that many people. I definitely prefer the blue lagoon over the Myvatn Spa. It might also be because we went at night so it was more peaceful. We sat for very long is the spa, and didn't even want to leave.
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The Sun Voyager |
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Downtown Reykjavik |
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Thingvellir |
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Blue Lagoon |
Day 8
This was a half day as we had to return the car and go home. We took it easy and explored town. We discovered a really cute unpretentious cafe right in front of the water in Grindavik. There were books, maps, and many cute decorations. Outside, there are lots of photo opportunities of fishing boat harbor. After that, we drove to Keflavik and walked around before going to the airport.
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Bryggjan |
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Bryggjan |
Unfortunately, it wasn't really the time of the year when you can see nothern lights, but I'd love to go back for that someday!
My pictures are not that great as it was cloudy almost the whole time we were there. It's hard to really capture the beauty of this place. One must go and see with their own eyes to believe it!
Day by Day,
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