Weekly little adventures (W12): Discomfort and rejection

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Acknowledging discomfort is crucial for growth. In the past years, I've grown accustomed to uncomfortable emotions. There are many things we want in life, but the question is what kind of pain would you accept and how much are you willing to suffer. These are the questions that determine how far one can go, and more so than intelligence.

If there are people who never gets rejected, it is not because they are perfect, it is because they are not trying hard enough and they are living too far inside their comfort zone.

This week, I tried something. I suspected it was a long shot, but I'd rather fail than regret not trying.

Never be afraid to try, because every no brings you closer to a yes. You never get to where you are unless you appreciate pain, discomfort and rejection.Very often, it leads the way to new opportunities...and I know that it is proof that I'm living life to the fullest.
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