Sunday, 31 December 2017

It's that time of the year again. It's the last day of 2017 and it's time for a little annual recap.

Today, I'm just staying home, cleaning, doing my taxes, trying to throw away things and now I'm reflecting on my year. I'm not going out or anything, because I want to wake-up fresh for 2018.

There are so many things that happened in 2017 that I would've never predicted last year. I feel incredible, and I'm mostly happy but somehow bittersweet. I made many spontaneous (and crazy) decisions, some turned out great, some not so great, and some of which the results are still a mystery.

I remember 2016 was a joyful year where everything just fits like a puzzle. However, people will always look for new puzzles to solve and greater challenges. I was no longer content with what I had. I wanted things to be even better and step up a level. I think 2017 set a good base for what I hope for in my future.

In early 2017, I almost fell in love. I was vulnerable. I let go of boundaries. Sadly, it didn't work out the way I hoped it would. However, I left the situation without regrets and I keep great memories of it. It's okay to try, and to be heartbroken. It's life and it's beautiful but it takes courage and strength to live and experience it fully.

Later in 2017, I lost a dear friend in a plane crash. I miss her so much that I'm still crying when I think about her. I miss our summer spent together and I miss everything about her. To think that she will not see 2018 hurts me deeply. It reminds me to live life fully, to not take people for granted, to spend time with them and be fully engaged.

In the middle of 2017, I decided to go on a weekly little adventure. I did this because I don't want to let busy routines and work be an excuse to not try new things and be adventurous. Time flies away so quickly when you're busy and not paying attention to little things, and I don't want to be left wondering what I did this whole time when I get older. I want to have some good stories to tell.

Also in the middle of 2017, I adventured on trailless mountains for the first time, as I'm getting more comfortable navigating in the wilderness. I definitely want to try more of these and possibly finish all 46 mountains of the Adirondacks next year. I also hope to spend more time outdoors.

In later part of 2017, I incorporated and hired my first part-time employee. I feel blessed to have the freedom to create a work environment that I enjoy and to have the chance to work towards what I envision. I'm hopeful that it will open doors to more opportunities in 2018.

Also in the later part of 2017, I traveled to Iceland and drove around the whole country, and fell in love with the highlands. I also went back to Grande-Bergeronnes, my favorite place in the province to spend some time away on my own, be disconnected and just do nothing for once, other than listening to the whales' singing.

At the end of 2017, I found my dream home (and got a new car), which I already wrote about in a previous post so I won't be going in much details. That really sparked up my interest in real estate and I'm definitely looking to invest more in the future.

Overall in 2017,  I was the best version of myself. I allowed others to be themselves. There are people who convince you to be less because they are, they are afraid of rejection, of being used, of being uncomfortable, but don't become what you hate. You don't need to be less because they can't be more.

For the past two years, my resolutions were to be more open-minded, to not let pride get in the way of life's most beautiful things, and be patient enough to not settle for less, and I think those are good resolutions to keep for 2018. I just hope that everything will be even better in 2018, and I hope it will be full of surprises and new adventures.
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