That time I slept with my mom in a car for a month

Sunday, 21 January 2024

Yes I did. Me and my mom living in a car for a month...with a dog.

We drove to Yellowstone, a place where I always wanted to visit. Then we went to the canyons in Utah. Lastly, we climbed some mountains in Colorado. 

Travelling with my mom was difficult. It's like having a job. I have to translate for her, I have to be her photographer, I have to be a travel guide and I almost have to supervise her. Sometimes, I forget that she is getting older, but also she is not that old...not old enough to forget closing car doors and to misplace important stuff all the time. 

Needless to say, being at such close proximity with my mom for a month has been stressful. I hardly enjoyed a moment because I always have to snap pictures of her so she can show off on social media. I always have to answer her questions to which she knows the answer to. I have to hear her repeating the same conversation on her phone. Yes, I'm dressing warm. Yes, we're two hours ahead, Yes, it's safe.

This trip has made me see my mom as an individual. She can be so selfish sometimes. One time, we were at a place without reception and she just wandered off for an hour without telling me. I couldn't leave because she would not be able to find me. Good for her that she is enjoying herself but I was pissed for a couple of days. 

At the same time, I'm glad my mom wants to do what I like to do. I don't know many 60 year old moms who want to sleep in a car for 1 month, explore slot canyons and climb mountains. I'm also proud of her for learning new thingsI know those are great memories that I will look back on, and I will miss those moments after all. Dyno sleeping on our feet, aspen trees, twisty mountain roads, iced coffees, hot canyons, geysers, cold mornings, dunkin donuts, audiobooks, the joy of having clean toilets at truck stops, the feeling of a nice shower after a long sticky day...

My favorite places were probably Wild Horse Canyon and Corona Arch. We were there early, we were alone and could scream without anyone hearing. I also loved the Goblins in Utah, it made me feel like I was in a video game. My least favorite places are the national parks overlooks where you see people in hiking boots and hiking poles on a 15-minute walk. It's so pretentious. I also didn't like Antelope island in Salt Lake...I've never seen so many mosquitoes in my life. The most stupid thing I did was probably sitting too close to the canyon edge for a picture. The funniest thing was mistaking a garbage can for a bear and running to a toilet to hide.

I really love road trips, I love early mornings and I love sleeping in cars. I hope to do this every year.

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