Friday, 31 December 2021

I say this every year but 2021 might be my favorite year.

It was a year about jalapeno cheetos and white wines, premixed cocktail on the road, movies in the car, coffee with a view, heavy backpacks and snicker bars, baked potatoes and campfires, mosquitoe bites and sunburns.

There were many great adventures in 2021, but what I'm most grateful for are friends. Strangely, it's the exact opposite of what I said in 2020 which was a year about being alone. I reconnected with a few friends who, despite past fights and disagreements, matter to me more than I thought.

I went back to the mountains with Johnny, just us two (and Dyno), like it used to be almost 10 years ago. We sang in the car again, sat by a river and meditated, we talked about who we used to be. I used to find him childish and annoying but, we find more points in common as we age. 

I also started climbing with Nam again. In the blink of an eye, it's been almost 6 years since we started. I probably would not have continued if it wasn't because of him. He helped me improve as a climber and as a friend, he helped me even more. 

If 2020 was winter, then 2021 was spring. I'm looking forward to summer!

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