Dyno's many first times

Saturday, 13 July 2019

I used to think that I'm so busy that I would never have time to take care of a dog, but ever since having Dyno in my life, my priorities just completely changed. You'd think I'm missing out on things because there is so much I can't do and so many places I can't go with my dog, but on the contrary, I would go great distances to have it done with my dog and if I cannot then fuck it, I'm not going either.

All he ever wants to do is playing, eating, and being with people he loves, and that is enough for him. Even though his life is much shorter and he doesn't even know it, his life is full. People say I will be terribly sad when he dies, but my family will die too, I will be sad, but I will still love them with all I have now. People often contemplate the famous question, what is the meaning of life. The meaning of life is not that complicated, and I can see it now... the meaning of life is simply living. Dogs are just so pure.

Dyno is funny...there are things that he was so scared of doing and little by little, he tests the limits. He used to be scared of getting close to the windows or going down the garden. He would not walk when I took him to the shopping center...and I would pretend to leave him behind to see if he would follow me just like my parents did to me when I was younger. Sometimes I forget how he doesn't have much life experience at all, and this is his first summer on earth. How crazy!

This is the first day I brought him home and that's when I took him to my parent's house. He was shaking and didn't know where to go, so he hid under the chair. He was so round and cute!

Little by little, he got out of his shell and discovered the joy of stealing and chewing shoes...

This is the first time I brought him to a coffee shop. He was still in his stage where he slept a lot and was not too fond of going places. Wolves in nature are very scared around 10 weeks of age because they need to go off on their own. Dogs also feel that fear around that age.

This is one of the first times I took him to work with me at one of my client's office. He slept most of the time which is awesome. Now, he is more comfortable and goes to greet everyone when he gets to the office.

This is the first time I took him to a restaurant as I wanted him to see many people and get used to crowd and noises. He mostly slept the whole way...obviously.

Dyno meeting my grand mother for the first time. I used to have people over or go to friends and family's house so he gets used to it. My grandmother loves him, and he impressed her by peeing on his pipi pad.

Dyno meeting another dog, other than his littermates, for the first time. The dog ran after him and he was so scared that he went to see another human for help. After a couple of hours, he was so curious that he went to see the other dog, but every time the other dog gets closer, he would run away again.

This is me taking him to another restaurant for brunch. If you are wondering if you can take dogs to restaurant...you can 80% of the time if you ask nicely and if he is discreet like Dyno (small and silent).

I took a latte art class, and took him with me. I've asked permission before taking him of course, and I swore he will be so quiet that he is almost invisible, and they said yes. Everyone was shocked at how calm and obedient he was.

Finally one of the first time he played in the snow on a warmer winter day, and he enjoyed it. I should get him some boots for next winter though.

This is one of the first time that Dyno walked on a leash without putting on the brakes. I was like...finally, my dog is walking outside! I remember we walked pass a huge truck making a lot of noises, and he was comfortable around it which is good.

This is the first time I brought him to a doggy cafe, where he got to meet other dogs. There was one other puppy that was really pushy towards Dyno, and it's the first time I see him growling with his teeth out and I was shocked because he was always so sweet and innocent, haha.

This is his first time in the woods, this is just near my house, it was before his 4 months and I wanted to make sure he is okay with being in the woods.

 This is the first time I took him on a boat, and he saw a fish for the first time.

 This is Dyno's first time on a terrasse, on the first warmer days of this year. He enjoys watching people walking by.

This is Dyno's first time camping...finally a weekend when he could poop and pee everywhere.

Dyno's first time at a dog park. He was playful and running around, most dogs don't want to play with him though, as his puppy energy was just too much. He was running while making huge jumps, it was funny to watch.

Dyno's first time hiking. I carried him in a bag as he was still young. I can't wait until he is fully grown to take him on a real hike.

This is him wearing my cousin's underwear after his neutering surgery. He doesn't like it but I think it's a better alternative than the cone.

This is when I took him on a bike ride for the first time. He really enjoyed the wind in his face and seeing all the scenery.

People always say to take many pictures because puppies grow so fast, and I feel like I didn't take enough pictures of him...even if you look at my phone, you will only see pictures of him. It's just never enough. 

Summer is almost over and I want to bring him to a new place every week at least once. I must admit I've been a bit lazy as I'm afraid to over-exercise him and injure his growth plates, so I don't really want to drive far. Also puppies can't practice endurance, but rather exercise is small burst of activities, but I will make an effort. You always have to be creative when you are a dog-parent. It would give me an excuse to take some time to myself. That was the whole point of getting a dog, and he is small enough to make it logistically convenient, but robust enough to do fun things :)
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