As you grow older, you become more and more aware of all the layers. There are too many of them. Some layers feel so comfortable at one moment, but so horrid the next. Sometimes, the most difficult person to understand is yourself; you have a hard time remembering who you are underneath those layers. You look in the mirror and you don't recognize yourself.
There are those days when I'm just not strong enough to not let those layers affect my actions. They are read back to me and I can't recall myself. I feel ashamed and undeserving. I can't lie that I'm terrified of being judged for what I've done. I can't help but ask, is this too good to be true; will I be left the next day with a mess of empty?
...but then there are those tomorrows, where you wake up and set your goals, subside those fears, reason with yourself that those feelings are nothing but old triggers, hide those layers and work hard on living in the moment, being happy and accepting things for what they are. Stay strong and be the free-spirit you've always been...