Barcelona: Miki

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

I took the bus back from Madrid to Barcelona, and then took the train to get to my hotel. When I got off the train, I couldn't find my way. I asked the first guy I saw for directions.

"Excuse me sir, do you speak English?"

"Un petit peu...a little bit."

"Oh wait, do you speak French?"

Sure enough, he's actually a french guy who moved to Barcelona with his family because he fell in love with the culture here. He looked for the address on his GPS, and the hotel was 9 minutes walk from where we were.

He said that I reminded him of his younger self travelling the world when he saw me with my huge backpack, and he wanted to invite me for a drink and he'll drive me to my hotel after. I hesitated, he could rob me, he could kidnap me...but in the end, I decided to trust him. "Don't be scared, Elaine." he reassured me.

We sat down on a terrace and had a talk about our travels and our lives. "When you learn to understand people, and you learn to read them. Just like decided to trust me and have a drink with me."

He said he loves Barcelona because people are nothing but nice. He helped me and hopes that one day I will help someone else...

I'm so thankful I met him!
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