He got a new job in another city to be closer to his girlfriend. I might never see him again. He's going somewhere with his life while I'm not doing much at all. Time flies and I'm still hung up on things. Our job was the reason why we met and the reason why it didn't work out...but now we all moved on to new jobs and different companies, and I even lost mine...
Now, I also met someone, Alex. Without wanting to sound ridiculous, he really looks like him. I have a hard time telling them apart sometimes....and I secretly like it. I know it's bad, and it sounds psycho, but I can't help it. They look so alike that I get this feeling that it's not just a coincidence. Maybe this is a lesson. Maybe I am crazy, but I miss him.
This is pathetic, I know.
...but Alex has been quite nice to me. He got all these hiking gear to go hiking with me. He isn't perfect obviously, but he tries. I'm not perfect either and I'm thankful that he's quite accepting of who I am and what I've done.
It still makes me sad, and I haven't figured this out yet...I'm afraid the next thing I see is their wedding picture on facebook.