Tuesday, 24 December 2013

In 2013, I challenged myself physically and mentally. Through the 30 days yoga challenge, I learned to transform the way my mind works, to slow it down sometimes, to take the time to listen to my body.  I also learned about nutrition and healthier habits. Oh, and I lost about 30 pounds!

In 2013, I made good decisions, and I learned to not settle for less than what I believe in. I put an end to an almost 3 years long relationship. People deserve second chances and sometimes a third too, but you will know in your heart when it’s time to step away and move on.  

In 2013, I took risks.  I finally found the answer to what I always wanted to know, even half way around the world. The answer is not about searching an answer; it is accepting that there are no answers, literally. Endings can have loose ends too.

In 2013, I travelled through parts of Africa, witnessed the beautiful sunset, expansive landscape, wildlife, and some of the greatest natural wonders. I met people that inspired me with their stories and strength which all gave me some new perspective and new directions. Africa will always have a piece of my heart.

In 2013, I learned to appreciate the outdoors. As human beings, we sometimes aren't able to contextualize our place in this world...but in the oceans, on the mountains, we can see this clearly. They make us feel humble and lucky to be there for a short moment.

In 2013, I reconnected with good old friends. Having travelled to many places, much of my life has felt temporary. I make friends that I say goodbye to the next day. Parting ways is bittersweet. Sometimes, I see them again, sometimes I don't…but I'm eternally thankful for the amazing people I've met over the years, but even more thankful for the ones I had the chance to reconnect with.

In 2013, I found an awesome job in an awesome firm. I’m excited and confident to take on more responsibilities and new challenges. Although I still want to be relocated to Australia, I learned that choosing one path doesn’t mean that you have to ignore the other.

In 2013, I signed a mortgage. This happened at a timing that I was able to prove that I was stable and debt-free. Through this experience, I can feel their hardship and worries a little more. That was the whole point of moving to a foreign land 20 years ago...

2013 has been an amazing year, probably one of the best years in my life; everything just felt meant to be. I’m excited about what’s next. Where will I go, and who will I meet? What will inspire and shape my world?
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