I haven't wrote about my boyfriend as often as I used to, and this is because I don't feel there's anything worth talking about, no matter what's happening. There's no point, it's repetitive, and I don't understand why we're still together. Why?!
Days like today make me think that we're more like casual friends. We barely talked today, and yesterday, and the day before. Every time I call, there are 3 scenarios:
1-He answers saying that he's in the middle of something and will call me back.
2-He doesn't answer and calls me back 2-3 hours later and sometimes, not at all.
3-Wait...I just said 3 scenarios, but I can't remember the last one.
I can't even remember what we did last time we hung out. I can't remember when the hell we saw each other last either. You want to know something? We see each other no more than 5 times in a month. I'm already generous for saying 5 times, because it's more like 3 or 4. Is that normal?
Even my mom is confused; she asks me who is he. Why do we never do anything together? Why do I go hiking with other people but not with my boyfriend? Why doesn't he come with me to Africa? I asked him if he wanted to go on a weekend trip with me, he says no, got no time. The next day, he tells me he's going to the Bahamas with his friend. So, I don't know how to answer those questions.
I'm really not asking anything of him, but it pisses me off that he says that he will install his aircon, but never does so and then complains about how hot it is. I guess this is why I haven't seen him lately, I don't know why I have to suffer in this hot weather when I can just be at home so comfortably. I don't know why I have to eat shitty white food, when I can just eat what my mom cooks. There's not even a clean cup at his place...and then he tells me, why don't you do the dishes? Well I do it sometimes, but is it fair that I have to wash his one-week's worth of dishes when I only hang out at his place once a week and especially when I didn't use anything?!
Not only that...
-On most days, there is no toilet paper, no tissue, no nothing.
-When he's doing his grocery, he will not even pay for my 50 cent tuna can.
-I've only seen 1 of his friends once and it was a coincidence
-When he does the laundry, he washes everything except my only t-shirt and pants that I leave at his place
-The list goes on and on...
There's very little about us that makes me think that we're actually together.
All of a sudden. Am I the crazy one?
Am I actually too much of a pussy to break up?
Someone tell me.