"Euh no, it's R," he said.
"Who?!" I repeated, just to remind him how unimportant he is and he's seriously fucked up in the brain for even keeping my phone number for that long. Very honestly, I also kept his phone number for a while as a "back up". Whatever we had have always been of that nature...but I also once was very sincere to him, but it ain't worth shit right now so we can't even be friends.

Why is he even asking me these questions that no one is interesting in knowing, right? Oh because, guess what obviously.
I don't resent him but there's simply no point to be nice anymore. I mean, how would that even benefit me? His cock? Nigga please!

...but yeah, I don't want to cheat on Jonathan because we're not officially over, and even if I were to cheat, it ain't going to be with this old wrinkly guy. Fucking Pathetic. I honestly think it's so sad that he can't find someone to fuck hahaha. This guy is kind of smart, but he can be easy to be taken advantage of as well. He probably just got cheated on but really, who in their right mind would want to date a sleazebag like that. This kind of guy is a typical manwhore, only good to fuck.

Tch, as if I didn't know that he reads my blog. I don't even remember when I said that he wasn't straightforward, is this dude living in the past or what. Okay, it was nice actually that he was straightforward this time, but unfortunately, I don't wear old shoes.
Anyways. I don't even know why I'm talking about that loser.
PS.: I used to never talk about him because I would really get angry, and I tried to remember him in a positive way regardless...and after he sent me this today, it's just...laughable.