On accidental occasions, we see each other in our new lives but just like strangers passing by, we don't smile at each other. There are so many buried words and secrets in those moments when our eyes meet for a second or two, and then these moments are gone. It's those moments that make me doubt the perfection I have now.
Because I spent too much time grieving over the ones who left, I reminded myself to be grateful for those that remained. Because I neglected too many people in my life, I’m trying to make sure to appreciate his presence.
You showed me the depth of self-reflection that I never traversed before; a vulnerable state of liveliness that I don’t regret. But it’s because of him that I gave up the isolation of this silent paradise of agony.
I fall asleep next to him but every now and then, you slip into my dreams and just like in real life, I miss you. I miss that person I used to be as well, as much as I hate her. First time today in a long time, I didn't get out of bed. It's as if you’ve always been here sharing a part of my life. I hate you for never really disappearing as much as I love the idea of recrossing paths.