I got to write about that Jonathan.
We went to take a long walk on Mont-Royal yesterday. We walked all the way to the top and then, down. That took us 4 hours.
On our way down, “
Give me your hand, I want to hold it,” he asked.
NO!” I answered, without even hesitating.
Please?” he asked again, 10 minutes later.
I said no!”
…he asked at least 20 times, haha. Poor guy.
Finally we held hands, walked around the cold streets of Mont-Royal until the evening and shared a crunchie.
Everything he tells me is heard before, but I really want to believe him…and actually, I do believe him. This guy keeps his words aligned with actions. Usually, when a guy invites a girl over to their place, it's to fuck them. However, he didn’t do that. I think I gave him enough hints that I didn’t want to and there's a chance we won’t see each other again if it happens. You know what we did instead? We watched The Notebook; my favourite movie! I watched that movie at least 5 times.
…okay okay, the truth is that I forced him to sit through it, hehe.
I love this movie because it reminds me of who I am and what I want underneath it all. That's the kind of love that I want. The best things in life are bittersweet. Also, that movie makes me think and I try to figure out my own life.
The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; and the only thing more impossible than staying is leaving. If I were Allie, would I choose Lon or Noah? Allie chose her first love Noah, but in my case, I don’t live in a movie and I'm not playing a character. I didn't follow my heart and I'm afraid I will choose Lon and not die completely happy, to always feel like something is missing...
Yesterday, I tried to convince you for 3 hours to hold my hand and you didn't want to...and look at you now, you can’t even keep your hands off me. I like that, there's improvement" he said.
Then he was trying to kiss me and got rejected 20 times. I don't know how he can endure me for that long. I contradict everything and obstinate all the time. When he says yes, I say no. When he says the sky is blue, I tell him it’s not exactly blue. When he looks at me I push him away and when he doesn’t look at me, I go tease him. He says I'm like a cat, which is so true.
Finally as I was leaving, he kissed me. We just left each other, walking in opposite directions...and at the moment I turned my head to look back, he looked back as well and we smiled at each other. So corny, yes.
The next day he called me, “
When we looked back at each other, it was like The Notebook,” he said.
Yark!” I answered. I’m so mean, haha.