At first, I asked him to come run with me in my neighborhood, around the lake. He came here all prepared to run but it was so cold that we went back in his car after less than one minute. Then, we decided to go to his gym instead. When we were around my house, I thought my mom saw me with him and I was so scared. "Your mom wouldn't recognize you because she won't believe you're sitting in such a nice car," he said. "My mom wouldn't recognize me because she won't believe that I'm with such an ugly guy." I answered. We tease each other like that all the time, hehe.
...but I think he figured that I'm seeing other people. "Where did you go last night?" he asked, standing in front of my treadmill as I was running. "Drinking at the old port..." I briefly answered. "With who?" he asked again. "Someone..." I said, without getting into details. His attitude kind of changed after that. Without a word, he went back to do more weights.
Back in car, he asked me if my boyfriend is a white. I'm sure he doesn't care whether he's white or not, he just wants to know whether I have one. "I don't have a boyfriend" I answered. "I'm sure he left you because you're too ugly", he jokes. After that was said, he became more cheerful again, haha.
He told me a lot about himself, like he wants to be the next top model, he wants to go back to China someday and to get into business, he likes to be on-the-go, etc. He says he likes me because I get along with his friends and admitted that he was pissed because of a guy, who I thought was his close friend, kept hitting on me in the club when we went out together. He deleted him on facebook because of that. Such a big kid, haha.
That guy is fun to be around and he's very simple, young and fresh. There's no pressure at all with him. Everything is fun, lighthearted and silly; it's comfortable...but honestly, our conversations are very first-level as well. I don't know.