When I leave the room, I know all they talk about is what a bitch I am. How do I know? Well, obviously because I've been one of those who stayed in the room at some point as well. I never forgot. I felt so classless when I played their games and fed into that negative bullshit. Everyone can see through these insecurities. It's depressing.
I do realize that not everyone is going to take the high road and be a good person. And although I constantly go against people and norms, I don't do it just to be interesting because that's pathetic. I just didn't want to go against my heart and that, in my opinion, means I took the high road already. Now if that's bitchy, then so be it!
At the moment I took that step, I was already well-aware of the consequences. However, I didn't hesitate. It was an easy decision, to be honest. It wasn't about the truth that I could've lived without knowing. There was a deeper motive behind; it was time to get real and I've never been afraid to be the first to smash everything.
Here I am, quoting my friend Alex: "We are all wanderers on this road of life. Friends are those who join you on a section of that road who happen to be going the same way you are, but their destination is different from yours". A part of me thinks it's such a pity because we did share some great times and wandered together...but for the most part, it's more of a relief because our destinations clearly aren't the same so, our roads must diverge accordingly. Small minds discuss people and I've never been into that kind of discussions and high school dramas.
I made all kinds of mistakes and met all types of people in my life. I've tried and I've gave up. I've learnt to distinguish between the worthy and worthless. My grandmother always told me that friends and lovers come and go; some I will remember and some I won't think about again. But family is forever and I never doubted it.
That's that!