I finished my last exam yesterday and now, I finally graduated! FUCK YEAH! I swore to myself I had to get out of here before I turn 23 haha and I made it, oh my god! I'm so happy I wanted to scream right after my exam. Pretty much everyone who decide to study in accounting will want a CA designation at some point but, not even half of them can actually meet the admission requirements. I didn't even want to say it out loud like everyone else before because I'm not a talker and I don't say things I might not be able to do. There were so many times I thought I would never make it because I really am not a book-smart person at all. In fact, I've always failed everything at school. Even my mom always said "Which parts of you look like a student?"...."Are you going to a fashion show or to school?!"..."Do you even have a school bag"? People who now assume that I naturally do well have no idea how hard I worked. I had to study day and night, all day, everyday, retook classes and sometimes even paid people to tutor me. Yeah I know, I'm stupid right? But now, it’s finally not wasted.
I was cleaning my room yesterday and I found a music sheet stand...I almost forgot that I used to play violin, but I stopped due to time constraints. When I think about it, there are really too many things I lost since university...there were also things I voluntarily gave up. One obvious thing is that I stopped hanging out with some friends. It was lonely but I also learned to stand closer to myself. There were times I wondered whether it was worth it but now, I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing anymore. There are always trade-offs and choices to be made. Goodbye sometimes means a new start...it could be the key for freedom. I still remember how determined I were to better my life and to be honest, I don't miss the "good old days" at all. When I look at the things I gained and how I improved as a person, I'm convinced it's all worth it.
...but I do plan on going back to school next summer for a CA designation, so it's not actually over, ha :P