I never liked the way I look tanned; I think it makes me look like a farm girl. My skin is so badly sunburned and the color is very uneven; I'm almost able to peel my skin off. I also have scars of mosquito bites everywhere on my legs. That also means that my ability to book photoshoots will be very limited until winter time...but you know what? I don't regret one bit!
I fell in love with Cubans and that friendly atmosphere. That genuinity really warms up the heart...

...walking around the beach lighthearted, picking up pretty sea shells, drawing the name of the one you miss the most on the sand, taking a nap listenning to music you love. The good life it is.

...oh and the food of course!

There was that night, we met some boys from Hamilton and had a few drinks with them. The tipsy boys decided that we would hit beach at night and swim in the ocean under the stars. Honestly, I hesitated and almost chickened out because there wasn't anyone around and if anything happens...just to let you know that I'm not the best swimmer out there. "Are you scared?" Pierro screamed. God, I hate when people say that to me, haha. "Okay just do it, Elaine!" I told myself and without more second thoughts, I ran into the warm ocean and start screaming as loud as I could. I couldn't see anything except the shinning stars, the large and harsh waves only when they are about to hit me and an identifiable marine light far away. The most incredible part is to not be able to see what you’re swimming with, or how far out you’ve gone. It's a crazy sensation that brings out a mix of excitement and fear of danger; I had the best time!
Just some pictures in downtown of Varadero...

I'll miss everything about Cuba ♥