He got all the symptoms of an abuser:
-He treats women like crap and he thinks he’s superior
-He can’t control his temper
-He’s insecure
-He acts out instead of expressing himself verbally
-He may even have a family history of violence. He’s from Texas, so who knows.
I almost wanted to throw water in his hideous face, but why would I stoop to his level, right? And no, he didn’t say sorry. I'm not even expecting a sorry because I won’t forgive that kind of behaviour. He's the kind of white guys who go to Asian countries to sleep with women because he thinks he's that superior and all Asian women will fall for his popsicle look. In reality, he's only a little rejected and lifeless cowboy in the conservative state of Texas. Man, that’s just foolish. He has to throw garbage at me just because I don’t sleep with him? Poor boy, I'm almost sad for him.
Oh and he said something about it, I think he said that he did that because of the nasty txt messages I sent. I don't know which ones he was talking about because there were a lot. I know I'm really bitchy, but I'm only bitchy to men like him. I despise all those brainless perverts who pretend to be kind just so they can get laid. I Fuckin hate that. I’m not even joking. On the other hand, I know lots of people hate self-centered and bitchy people like me, but really, I don’t mind and they have the right to regard me as whatever. But I gotta say that I love myself and I love being self-centered because I’m happy that way. You can be happy to be a pervert too…We can’t get along with everyone and we should just live and let others live. I'm just really angry and I need to let this out. Hey, at least I don’t throw garbage on others when I’m angry!
If you're curious, here are the txts.
Ronnie: Id take a blowjob **Who does he take me for? At this point, I think it’s clear that he’s just retarded. Me: You do whatever you like **I don’t know what he thought, but what I meant is that he can do whatever he likes, but nothing that involves me. Ronnie: ur kidding, u better please my 9 inch dick **??? Me: did u get that 9 inch from subway's take out? Ronnie: ya its called ronnies dick **STUPID. Me: go get some other chicks with that then **Isn’t that more clear? Ronnie: ha it's up to u **What the hell is he saying? Ok maybe he was drunk. And I also hate people who blame everything on alcohol. What an irresponsible little wacko. I didn’t answer that. Ronnie: I thought you were down **He sent this the next morning. |
Last saturday, I was sitting right next to him at the bar but I wanted to sit near my friend Ahn, so I told him to switch with her and I'd do anything in return. Yeah I obviously lied, but that guy is so desperate to sleep with me that he believed me. So he told me to call him later to get together, but of course I didn’t. Even if I lied, I don’t think I'm wrong. It's just a game. He were nice to me until he realised that he will never be able to sleep with me, so he showed me what kind of immature little beast he is. Isn't that a bigger lie?
Ok so, the white guy is Ronnie and the fat asian is Mike.

Look at that man, he's problaby used to "swallowing".
Yeah swallow that shit you nasty bitch.
That wasn’t all; there is this guy who came to give me a message on a piece of paper. Yes a piece of paper...as if we were still in high school. But I don't feel like talking about that crap right now, I'm so sleepy, I need to get some sleep.
What a shit talking post, but I feel better right now.