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Today, as I was preparing to leave, he asked "How did you get that bruise on your leg"? if he cared. He didn't even say sorry about what he said last time, in fact he never says sorry for anything because he is always "right". When I think about it, I realize that he never taught me anything... nothing except screaming at me, beating me and scolding me. Then he expects me to be all those things he never taught me to be. He never taught me how to forgive, to say sorry, or even to care for someone. If I'm only a piece of garbage to him, then I'll act like a piece of garbage around him. I almost wanted to scream at him and say "None of your fuckin business", but instead I just ignored him. There is no one day I'm able to eat in peace, sleep in peace and study in peace when he's around and that's because no matter how hard I try to deny him, I still care about what he says to me even if I think everything he says is stupid. Sometimes I'm scared that's how it's gonna be forever, but there are also times when I'm so tired that I'd rather leave things the way they are and regret if I have to. I can write everything here, I can tell all my friends, but I don't think I can tell him in his face..because he's always right, and I'm always wrong.
And yes I got a fuckin huge bruise on my leg and I don't know how I got it:

It's so ugly!!