It was June 24th, 2008 and it was a Tuesday. We had our last class and I don’t think I went. Maybe I did but I can’t remember what we did, so I don’t think I went. So yeah, it was Tuesday and we were leaving on Saturday morning. Like most people, I decided to stay in Hangzhou and enjoy the last days. There was a banquet where I received my certificate and we sang "Beijing Huan Ying Ni" to thank our teachers. I probably looked bad because I didn't know the lyrics at all, but whatever. All I know is that I didn't want to leave that soon even if I missed my mommy and my friends.
Here's a picture at the banquet:

(You can click to enlarge if you didn't know)
On the far right, there's Bing Bing. She didn't teach my level, but she seems very nice and sweet. She even came to SOS with us, how cool. Would any of your teachers go to club with you? The one in chinese dress is...I forgot her name. She teaches the other level as well, but I had her for a day and she's very cute. I always wondered how old she is, but I think it's rude to ask people's age, so that stays a mystery. On her right is Wu laoshi and Jessie. Jessie is fun and smart, I liked her the most. She's inspiring and her classes are never boring. Wu laoshi a little more difficult, I think she's more used to teach chinese students so it's a different teaching style that not all foreign students like, but she's a good teacher as well and I can see she cares a lot. Lily laoshi didn't come because she was pregnant, but she gave us gifts. I hope they are all doing well.
Kevin and I argued for some small things and it didn’t end well. I didn't think of reconciliating because there were only a few days left and I was kind of scared to hear what he would say to me. The last days are always emotional and it’s too much for me. He is an introverted, sensible and passive person, so I knew he would not come see me even if he wanted to. So that's why I'd never dare to say or do anything that could potentially make him feel bad, but I don’t want to lie either. I prefer to disappear without a word so I won’t need to face that. I'm only human being.
What I did do? I almost slept every day and went to club every night. Which one? SOS. Why? To see my barman, duh! I'd wait until he finishes work at 5 am. Then, we'd walk around the park and sit on the bench to talk about anything. I’d never do that kind of thing if it were in Montreal, like waiting for a guy until he finishes work and especially not for 4 days in a row. I'll not even facebook someone for more than 2 minutes in a row. In Montreal, I’d have to worry that maybe this is too much and maybe that is not enough. I’d have to calculate the days before calling, not seeing the same guy for more than once a week so he’d think I’m an independent woman and so he’d crave to see me when in fact I crave to see him too but I have to pretend I don't and then read the crappy articles on "what he likes" from cosmopolitan and play hide-and-seek. STUPID. Too stupid and it's tiring too, but it's supposed to make us more desirable...?
It's just different cultures I guess. In china, not every one of course, but most are pretty straightforward and simple. Maybe because my time was limited too, so I never hesitated and just did whatever I felt like doing and I know it was right even if it was whatever. If I wanted to see him 4 days in a row, I’ll see him 4 days in a row and no it's not tiring and you don't wanna play those stupid games if you like that person. It’s a Yes for sure or a No for sure…not maybe yes but no, maybe no but yes. That’s why I like fobs. I’m not saying that all fobs are like that, but I only stayed 2 months in China and I met 2 good guys and plenty of descent ones. I stayed 20 years (almost 21 years) in Montreal and I met 0 good guy, too many assholes and maybe a few descent ones. I say a few, but if you ask me to name them, I won’t be able.
On Thursday, Jay came to SOS and I did something that I regret a lot, but now it’s already 3h55 and I have to start studying for my quiz tomorrow so I’ll continue on that later!
Wish me good luck and don't distract me please!