So during the first 2 weeks, I mostly hung out with William and Antoine. Antoine liked to wake up very early and go jogging with his roommate Eric. Sometimes, they would come to my room and ask William to join them, but that lazy guy only joined them once. Then, we would go for breakfast somewhere in the campus. Antoine is a very nice guy, he is very ambitious. William is a nice guy too; he has a girlfriend and seems to be very nice to her. He is also very simple is his head…I’m not saying that he is stupid, but he really thinks life is that easy, maybe it is because he is not from the city. And Eric, no comments.
From my balcony:

Antoine and Eric
I was placed in the second level of Chinese, but I didn’t know any pinyin (which is the base), so I couldn't even read. However, that level wasn’t too difficult for me. So someone decided to be a hero and told the teacher that this was unfair to me and to let me be in the first level. Then I thought, that wouldn’t be a bad thing, I won't need to study and get an A, it would also help me review. You might think that would not be as meaningful because I would learn less, but there is a lot that can’t be taught in a classroom. Also, there are many options for Chinese courses in Montreal, I didn't go to Hangzhou just for to learn Chinese. Plus, if I always had to study, how would I be able to enjoy my stay? I do not regret my decision because while they were studying in their room, I was having fun.
The first week went just fine, I was very happy to be there and I was enjoying it at 100% (except for the fact that I got lost a few times and that I had to wait until I get back to the dorm to pee). During the first weekend, we went to shop. We got our bikes from the Prada mall of downtown. I got a pink one with a basket in the front. We shopped around and William got a few things for his girlfriend. I think I got a few things too. Oh, and in China, we have to bargain especially for foreigners. One time, we got 2 belts for 45 Yuans in total but they were trying to get us pay something like 200 Yuan for only 1. Bargaining can be lots of fun!
That's the place we went to: The Night Market

If you wonder where the cute chinese guys are, they are usually there and at other market places selling stuff. I don't think those guys go to school:

During the second week, things went a bit awkward. Once, when I came back to my room, I saw that b*tch Cielo on my bed. Maybe it is animal instinct or something like that, I just hate it when other girls sit on my bed, unless they are close friends. Plus, this girl always says “Hi Elaine...” with that attitude…That is just so annoying. It’s okay if they chill in my room, since it is also William’s room, but not on my bed!
Then I just went to Raphael and Alex’s room to chill. Later, we went to the Mexicans’ room on the 3rd floor to drink more. That was the first time I got drunk in China. I drank a lot that night.
The boys and the girls:

Then I got back to my room and accidently hit my head on the corner of the table. I was bleeding so badly, I thought I ruined my face. Luckily, our doctor William was there with his magic plasters to rescue me. That guy is really not that bad.
What I did that weekend? I believe I went to Coco with Raphael, John and Alex. Alex is the most handsome guy of the trip and he is very tall, so of course I had naughty thoughts. John is a Chinese guy we met at the pools in the village next to our campus. Supposely, he does not make a lot of money but he bought us 200 Yuan of beer and paid the taxi. I find that very weird and didn’t trust that guy so much. I know he is very nice to me, but sometimes I feel like he is lying. He even gave me cakes and made me jello in form of apple.
So about Coco, it is a club frequented by many foreigners, Mexicans, Russians, Arabs, Koreans, Japanese, Africans, Americans, etc. That night I just wanted to get a guy honestly. I saw a cute one but there was girl next to him, I still got this picture so I could show to my friends in Montreal hehe.
That's him:

Then I saw another guy, he was tall and wasn't bad looking. I went to him and just said Hi. Then I danced on the stage and asked him to join me. At first he didn’t want to, but his friends kept pushing him so, he did. He looked so shy.
That's him:

It was the perfect chance since my roommate is in Shanghai. Oh, by the way, his name is Lee Won Woo or Kevin, an exchange student from Korea. He’s been studying in China for a year and he is in the fifth level. I dragged him outside to talk and found out that we study in the same campus and he lives in the building right in front of mine, the one where most of Koreans live. It was hard to communicate with him because my Chinese is not very good, and I don’t understand a word Korean. But his English is better than most of the Koreans I met during that trip so it wasn’t that bad. So in the end, he left with his friends. It's asian culture...I didn't want to act like a slut.
I went home with Alex and I asked him if he was hungry and we decided we wanted to go to McDonald’s. He came to my room to take William’s bike. I should’ve pushed him on the bed and he wouldn’t been able to resist. But no, we went in front of the international building to get my bike and guess who we bumped into... Kevin and his friends -_-! So just naturally, I asked Kevin to come with us, and Alex decided to not bother us. So yeah, after we ate, we went back to the dorm and I kissed him on the cheek before I left...and yes only on the cheek. When I looked back, he was turning around and he was still looking and confused. He looked like those guys in Korean movies, he is a good guy and the boyfriend that every girl wishes to have, but after a while, I realized that he was not for me.
When I got back into my room, I saw Eric lying on William’s bed. I was so angry! It’s like, no one gave him the permission. I felt like someone invaded my territory...probably animal instinct again! That day I didn’t sleep and went to Xitang with the group. I was so exhausted!