Here I am, on an empty island by myself, with my dog Dyno of course. My hands are cold and I cannot write fluidly, which is weirdly satisfying at the same time. It forces me to slow down my thoughts and it makes me more conscious of the words I'm writing.
Yesterday, as I about to leave, I saw a hairy green caterpillar on my paddle. I thought to myself, am I really ready for this kind of adventure? It took me some courage to come on this trip. I never did this before. I think I might have done canoeing for fun before but I can't confidently say that I'll be able to manage if there were strong wind, thunderstorm and strong current, with my stuff and my dog on top of this.
I really wanted to do something different though, perhaps something that scared me a little. It seems like I haven't gone out of my comfort zone in a while. I went alone on a tandem canoe because I wanted to have enough space for Dyno and my stuff, but I didn't think it would be that difficult to maneuver, especially with the wind. Very lucky that I have quite strong arms, but it was definitely tiring.
Last week, there was rain forecasted for the 3 days I'm here, but turns out it's warm and sunny. Life has its own plan and it's best to believe.
Dyno is having fun, tasting the water, playing with the branches, getting his paws wet, rolling in the sand and protecting me from the small animals on the island. He is also chasing some monarch that is trying to land on the beach. What a cutie pie, right? I have to keep an eye on this sneaky boy so he doesn't steal the food. Yesterday, he had a sip of my wine which really worried me. He's fine now, luckily.

I want to sit back, and relax, and just follow the current. I've also deactivated my facebook a while ago. I want to live a life for myself, not for others. I want to be comfortable with where I'm at in life. I don't want to worry about time and having a to-do list and being organized. I got all the time in the world today and I will just sit here and let the time pass without any purpose, but with all the purpose and meaning in the world at the same time. There are lots of crazy thoughts going through my mind, but it's okay. I'm not trying to fight them or engage them, I'm just acknowledging them.
Today is a good day, the sound of the waves crashing into my island woke me up. I sort of brushed my teeth but did not wash my face as I brought limited water with me. Needless to say, there won't be any shower. It's fine, I'm alone on this island. It's a warm and sunny day of fall, which is probably my favorite at the moment.
I'm drinking cold brew from that mug from Death Valley, it makes appreciate the cold and crisp air in the morning. There is something about this weather, it smells adventure. People are gone back to their routine, summer flings are over, and nature suddenly becomes more still. It's getting colder, but the sun is still comforting.
The sunset is beautiful and what a surprise. My mom asked me if I'm not scared to be alone on an island, I said I'm not. There are places scarier than this but people have chosen to accept a certain form of prison and safe slavery. Nature is not to be scared of. I'm glad I came here. I always tell myself that I'd rather regret doing something than not doing something, and knowing this makes me feel like I have all the answers in the world and I will always know where to go.